Teacher Dave Jones and researcher Mike DeGrandpre present live from Montana discussing the research that took place for 4 weeks aboard the CCGS Louis S. St-Laurent looking at CO2 and pH Studies of the Arctic Ocean.
PolarTREC teachers Steve Kirsche and Adeena Teres presented to a group of teachers from around the state of Florida. This is the presentation that they gave at the 2017 Florida Association of Science Teachers (FAST) Statewide Conference on 20 October.
PolarTREC teacher Lisa Seff and the "Upwelling and Ecology in the Beaufort Sea Research Team" discuss the many research projects being carried out aboard the R/V Sikuliaq. This event was broadcast live on 14 September 2017 from the research vessel located in the Beaufort Sea.
This informational webinar, given on 30 August 2017, gives an overview of the 2018-19 PolarTREC program, its goals and objectives, program components, the application process, and addressed questions from webinar participants.
Teacher Rebecca Harris and Researcher Ellie Broadman discuss field work, weather and life at the remote field site near Lake Peters, Alaska as part of the Arctic Glacial Lakes Expedition. This live event was broadcast from Kaktovik, Alaska.
PolarTREC teacher Ruthie Rodriguez and researcher Vanessa Lougheed discuss the research and ongoing field work being carried out by students from UTEP for the Research Opportunities in the Arctic for Minorities Program (ROAM2) from Utqiaġvik, Alaska.
Teacher Lee Teevan and researcher Mary Beth Decker discuss the science and research behind their expedition aboard the R/V Oceanus looking at jellyfish in the Bering Sea.
PolarTREC teacher Steve Kirsche, researcher Ian Baker and graduate student Eric Wagner discuss the research and life in the field as part of the PolarTREC expedition “Dynamic Observations of the Microstructural Evolution of Firn” based out of Summit Station, Greenland.
Teacher Jennifer Baldacci and researcher Cory Williams discuss this year's research on the Arctic Ground Squirrel research project at Toolik Field Station, Alaska. Broadcast on 27 April 2017.
Teacher Jennifer Baldacci discusses the research surrounding, and life in the field while working on the Arctic Ground Squirrel research project at Toolik Field Station, Alaska.