Not all migrations are long distance ones. Up in Alaska there is a diving duck called the Spectacled Eider they migrate from areas of coastal tundra where they nest and breed to important feeding areas which are in the shallow areas of the Bering Sea. The ducks will dive in these freezing temperatures some 60-70 metres beneath the ice to feed off the bottom-dwelling prey to be found in the sediment of the sea bed worms, clams, etc. These ducks were only discovered to be overwintering in these vast flocks out in the ice in the 1970s and in March, Jeff Wilson from the BBC Natural History TV team joined scientist Jim Lovvorn on a US coastguard ice breaker in the Bering Sea. As you can hear in the audio report, introduced by Philippa Forrester, Jim was able to witness behavior never previously seen in Spectacled Eiders using Jeff's special cameras.