Nell, As the day approaches I know your excitement is only matched by the frenzy of trying to complete all your to do lists. It will all get done! You are going to have a spectacular expedition. It has been exciting to watch as you have prepared your students. They will be forever changed because you. You will be moved by the splendor of Antarctica. History has given us journals of so many who through their poetic writings we can catch a glimpse of Antarctica's majesty. Nothing I've ever read does it justice. It is only upon returning and rereading those verses that the words come to life and really take me back. You will be building relationships with a continent, other researchers, and with 100s who will be catching a glimpse through your lens and pencil, (pens freeze, lol). Welcome to the world as you have never seen it before.

Nell Herrmann

Hi Gary,When I got the notification in my PolarTREC email account about this message, I didn't realize it was from you. That makes it extra nice! I am leaving tomorrow for Chile. I AM SO EXCITED!!
Thanks again,