Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 11/02/2012 - 05:01

My first block class wants to say "hello" and are looking forward to following your journey.

Best Wishes, Sarah

Mike LeBaron

Ms. Hinkey and Class,Thanks for logging in and letting me know you're out there. MAYBE, because you are the first LNHS class to get on-board, there will be a special reward!
I'm having the most incredible adventure - take a look at the latest journal entry to see some of the things I've done.
And since this is European History, what does the class know about the role of European settlers in the modern history of Australia and New Zealand? Keep in mind that what we view as history from a western-centric view is only a small part of the true history of these regions. Maybe you can look into the times prior to European explorers and learn about the culture of the native people and how it has been changed by western "civilization".
Mr. LeBaron