Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 04/17/2013 - 14:48

what is the wheather like and the tempurture


im Quinn from mr.woods science class


im Quinn from mr.woods science class


Hi Quinn, The weather in general has been cold. This morning it was 10F when I got up. That's the warmest its been since I got here 2 1/2 weeks ago. Generally in the morning it's -15F or colder. We've had some fresh snow. A couple of inches today a couple of inches a few days ago. The locals around here say this is the coldest it's been in April that they can remember. Everybody is hoping for spring. Me, I like snow so more winter is fine.


Thank you for your response. What kind of animals have you seen?

Tom Lane

Hi Quinn,I really haven't seen very many animals here. I've seen fresh tracks that indicate they are around. When I walked out on the dog mushing trail towards the research site last week there were fresh moose tracks over my tracks when I came back. I saw fresh wolf tracks when I visited bus 142 on the Stampede Trail. I did see a couple of moose when I went skiing on the Skarland Trail around University of Alaska-Fairbanks with my friend Jim Lokken last weekend. So...I'm looking. I'm hoping to see a grizzly bear or at least fresh tracks.