Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 04/16/2013 - 19:05

Hi this is dylan from mr woods sience class i was just wondering how long it takes to do what you are doing?

Tom Lane

Thanks for the question Dylan.This experiment overall has been going on for 5 years. Speaking with Kirsten K, Coe current Site Manager she believes this experiment could go on indefinitely as long as there is money available. Because of the success at this site of examining carbon emissions from tundra soils it's possible this research could be expanded to other sites.
Gathering data from the "warming" experiment at the fences takes about 3 hours if everything goes well or till the batteries run out on the laptops. They run out in about an hour at -30F.
Gathering date from the snow pits takes about an hour and a quarter.


Also how long does it take to get up there

Tom Lane

Hi Dylan, By airplane it is about 9 hours flight time from the east coast to Anchorage then another 45 minutes to Fairbanks. The drive from Fairbanks south to Healy takes about 2 hours. Overall by the time you figure in transitions between flights and etc. it is at least 15-18 hours.
I've driven from Vermont to Alaska several times. The fastest I've done it is in about 5 days.


Did u know you were going to do with when you were a kid or younger

Tom Lane

Hi Dylan, Good question. No, I'd have to say I didn't know what I would be doing in the future when I was in grade school, middle school, high school, even for a time in college. I guess I thought it would always benefit me to be "well rounded", to enjoy reading, be able to write a paper, be familiar with music, dance, art, be physically fit, live in a healthy way, be positive, try hard and enjoy what I am doing. Both of my parents were teachers. I when I was younger didn't really consider the teaching profession. I was intent on being a "world class skier". Teaching however, just came to me. I love working with other people. I enjoy good questions. I like to think. So...pursue your passion. Enjoy this beautiful, beautiful life your living.


How did u meet mr wood

Tom Lane

Hi Dylan, I met your teacher Mr. Wood almost exactly one year ago. We both attended IPY2012 Conference (International Polar Year) in the city of Montreal, Quebec. Before the conference there was a 2 day workshop called PolarEDUCATORS Workshop for educators. I remember noticing Mr. Wood right off because he looked physically fit (I notice people who get a lot of exercise). Fitness in addition to Polar Education are a couple of the interests we have in common. Later as educators we were interested in forming a group that could operate internationally and promote Polar Education. This group is called Polar Educators International (look them up on Facebook). Mr. Wood in on the governing Council for this group He's helping organize and make Polar Education and information accessible to people around the world.