Submitted by Lisa Seff on Sat, 11/02/2013 - 14:12

Hi Brian! So excited to have my students follow you on your next Antarctic adventure with your journals and videos. Glad to hear you'll be doing a webinar too. While you're down there please keep an eye out for one of my past students, Justin Lawrence. He just graduated from Boston College and is thrilled to have landed a position down in the Antarctic. He arrived in McMurdo about a week ago, will be there until January, and his PI is John Priscu of the Priscu Research Group, from Montana State University. Great young man, think you guys would hit it off and would be nice for him to connect with someone who's been there before. I also passed his info on to Samantha. take care, keep warm and, I'm looking forward to your next antarctic animal video too! (: Lisa

Brian DuBay

So far most science groups have been very frustrated. The weather has not allowed much to go on off the island. Everyday so far we wake up at 5 AM to wait for the phone call from Operations to hear we are on hold until 10 AM. Then the call at 10 and say maybe tomorrow. So with are down time we are getting to know more people around McMurdo but I have not run into Justin yet. I will keep and eye out for him and let you know.

Lisa Seff

Thanks Brian! Hope you guys get out soon, I'm sure it must be a bit frustrating.-Lisa