Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 11/19/2013 - 14:11

Hi my name is Joey and i am from Pope John Paul ii high school in Boca Raton, Florida i am currently taking a marine science program and wondering are you missing home or your family. and do you have any kids or animals?

thank you for your time

sincerely, Joey

Brian DuBay

I miss my family very much. My wife is 8 months pregnant with our first child. I can not wait to get home and see her and the rest of my family. I am very lucky to have a wonderful family and wife that supports me in my scientific endeavors. I will be back in time for the birth, I cold not miss something as important as that.

Elizabeth Eubanks

HI Brian, I am a PolarTREC teacher alumni (2008). I just read your response to my student Joey. I am glad that you will return home for the birth of your new baby and very nice that your family is supportive. ** Thinking about your new baby has made me wonder if you know or can find out if anyone has ever been born in MacTown or in Antarctica? Just curious and touched by your commitment to your family and your field work.
Enjoy and best of luck with your "on the way" new babe and your research.

Brian DuBay

No one has been born here in McMurdo but at the Argentinian base a family lives there permanently and I believe they have had two children here in Antarctica.

Elizabeth Eubanks

Wow! That is amazing.... 2 people on the whole planet born in the Antarctic! Thanks so much and have fun. Hope you have enjoyed my students questions. Enjoy the rest of your trip and then your new "family" life!