Hot Water Snow
Why Do You Think This Happens?
And here it is. The long awaited video on hot water freezing into snow. Why do you think this happens with hot water and not cold? Again, you can put your ideas in the comments section. Extra credit for my students!
Reindeer Farm
What else? We saw musk oxen at the local reindeer farm. Yes, there were reindeer (no, not Rudolph) but they were a little far from us for good viewing so I have the musk ox to share instead.

Hey Baby!
The name musk ox is due to the pungent, musky odor that the male secretes to attract a female. I didn't have the pleasure of smelling it, but I'm sure it doesn't smell like Armani. But look at this guy! Looks kinda prehistoric, huh? And yet these guys happily survive in herds of 8 to 24 in northern Canada, Greenland and the United States consuming grasses, woody plants, lichens and mosses. What else can you find out about musk oxen?
Reindeer Sausage, mmm mmm
As far as the reindeer "farm" (reindeer are also known as caribou), yes it is true. People do eat reindeer and it tastes really good! This particular farm is used primarily for research into the science of reindeer farming, but the research does support a large reindeer meat industry in Alaska. Wipe off those tears. No crying now about Rudolph (or Blixen or Bambi or any of those other cute and cuddly fictionalized deer).
AMAZING people!
So here is our first group picture. Let me tell you, these are some awesome people and super inspiring teachers. I am learning so much from them. It is an amazing group.
