Fun in Fairbanks!
It's Day 5 of the PolarTREC Orientation and Share Fair. They keep us very busy. It will take me awhile to digest all of the information once I get home. But everything is so exciting and these are truly inspiring people.
Dr. Brigham-Grette
So let's get started. First, I met Dr. Julie Brigham-Grette, one of the two researchers that I will work with this summer. Julie is a professor of Quaternary and Glacial Geology at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. She is the US Chief Scientist of the El'gygytgyn Drilling Project that has yielded records of the paleoclimate from terrestrial Arctic. Julie is a remarkable scientist. I am enjoying getting to know her and look forward to joining her research on Svalbard's tidewater glaciers and lake systems this summer.

We went to the CH2M HILL Polar Services Warehouse to try on and sign up for gear. Boots, parkas, backpacks, balaclavas, goggles, mosquito shirts, waders- all of these are available for us to borrow while on our expeditions. A Norwegian proverb says "There is no bad weather, just bad clothing". With that in mind we watched a demo of how to dress for extreme cold weather; the key is lots and lots of layers!!!

Finally, a fun experiment with bubbles! Other than the fact that the bubbles freeze, it is interesting to note that the bubbles in the last clip really float up high! Think about why that might be. For my students, this should be easy. If you have an idea, put it in the comments section below. Note- please include your name (if you wish) in the body of the text so I know who you are.