Journal Entry

We LOVE Science!!

What is Permafrost?

Can you believe that in some places on Earth the ground stays perpetually frozen? If soil and sediment remain frozen for two or more years in a row it is considered permafrost. Permafrost makes up 24% of the land in the northern hemisphere, mostly near the north pole. Ground containing permafrost is layered with a seasonally frozen "active layer" above the permanently frozen layer. Under this is an unfrozen layer called talik.

PermafrostIdealized permafrost cross section. Image credit

A moose! Two moose/mooses/meese? No it's two moose.

Our group bundled up and headed out to the CRREL Permafrost Tunnel near Fox, Alaska. The tunnel was excavated in 1963-1969 and is owned by the U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory partnered with the University of Alaska, Fairbanks Institute of Northern Engineering. The tunnel is not open for public tours, so it was a special treat to get to go inside. Traveling out of town we saw a moose! She was just hanging out. She had a calf with her that was a short distance away.

MooseAs we drove to the Permafrost Tunnel we saw this moose with her calf.

The Trans-Alaska Pipeline

We also stopped to take a look at the Trans-Alaska Pipeline. The Trans-Alaska Pipeline was built between 1974 and 1977 after the oil crisis in 1973. This happened because oil producing countries in the Middle East proclaimed that they weren't going to trade with the United States. So the U.S. got busy exploring the north coast of Alaska, specifically the Prudhoe Bay Oil Field. There was plenty of oil there, but no way to ship it out as Prudhoe Bay is iced in much of the year. Trucking it through the interior of Alaska would be expensive and time consuming considering the quantity of oil. So the Trans-Alaskan Pipeline was built to bring the oil from Prudhoe Bay to Valdez, Alaska on the southern coast where it is shipped out. The pipeline transverses 800 miles cutting right through the heart of Alaska.

Map of the Trans-Alaska PipelineLocation of Trans-Alaska pipeline The Trans-Alaskan PipelineThe Trans-Alaskan Pipeline transports oil through the heart of Alaska to supply gasoline to people like you and me.

The Permafrost Tunnel

The Permafrost Tunnel is a way to experience and research permafrost from the inside. The first thing I noticed was the smell, which I would describe kind of like a rotten, sour, barn odor. Not good. I still have that smell in my scarf I noticed last night when I put it on..... Next, it is very dusty in there. As we tromped through the dust our boots and pants were quickly covered in a fine layer of brown. In fact if you scrape a bit at the wall with your fingers it just falls off as a fine powder to a few millimeters deep. Under that, it is rock hard and frozen solid. But as our eyes adjusted we began noticing what looked like dead vegetation hanging from the ceiling and strange shapes protruding from the walls that looked like weird bones and horns. Could it be? Yes, these were the remains of ancient, extinct plants and animals.

Inside the Permafrost TunnelThe Permafrost Tunnel is composed of fine-grained silt, ice, and soil mixed with organic material dating back 40,000 years. Inside the Permafrost Research Tunnel in Fox, Alaska. Photo by Jacquelyn Hams (PolarTREC 2008), Courtesy of ARCUS Large horned bison hornThis horn from an extinct large-horned bison is around 14,000 years old. Ancient frozen vegetationThe vegetation that hangs from the ceiling has been frozen for thousands of years.

Pleistocene Epoch Life

The Permafrost Tunnel preserves animal and plant remains from the Pleistocene Epoch, 2,588,00 to 11,700 years ago. This time spans the world's recent period of repeated glaciation. The interior of Alaska was not glaciated, however mountain ranges to the north and south were. As these glaciers pushed debris ahead of them, strong winds blew the debris into the interior of Alaska where it accumulated as a fine till called loess. It was so cold that it froze during accumulation and exists as the permafrost layer that we see today. The plant and animal remains represent a very different era when the interior of Alaska was a tundra with grasses. (Today it supports a boreal forest.) Animals that have since become extinct populated the tundra such as large-horned bison and saber-toothed cats.

Animal life in BeringiaThis is an artist's idea of what the area around the Bering land bridge may have looked like at the closing of the last ice age about 12,000 years ago. The artist, Jay Matternes, included many animals which are now extinct, including ground sloth, northern horse, saber-toothed cats, large-horned bison and even a lion-like cat. Image credit Karl Horeis

Ice Wedges

As we proceeded deeper into the tunnel we noticed that glints of light began reflecting off the surfaces. These are ice wedges that penetrate deep into the permafrost.

Ice wedge in the PermaFrost TunnelMatthew Sturm shows an ice wedge inside the CRREL Permafrost Tunnel in Fox, Alaska. Photo by Betsy Wilkening (PolarTREC 2009), Courtesy of ARCUS

Ice wedges form because during the winter months the ground actually cracks (a few centimeters wide) due to thermal contraction (because the ground gets really cold). During the summer, the snow melts and flows into these tiny cracks where it freezes into ice due to the permafrost. When the water freezes it expands, creating more cracks for melted snow to fall into the next year. This process of cracking and freezing causes the ice wedge to grow. Ice wedges can grow to 3-4 meters in length and extend down into the ground for several meters.

Ice WedgeFormationThe following series of graphics showing the evolution of ice wedges. Image Credit


One thing that I think is really cool is that on the surface interconnected ice wedges form large polygonal structures. Check out the polygonal pattern in the picture below.

Tundra PolygonsFlying over the tundra near Barrow, AK. Notice the tundra polygons formed because of the freeze-thaw cycle that occurs in permafrost areas. You can see the patterns of polygons and ponds. Photo by Leslie Pierce (TREC 2005), Courtesy of ARCUS


Now check out this picture! This picture was taken by the Opportunity Rover on the Meridiani Plain on Mars! Do you notice the similarity? Scientists are unsure exactly how these formed but are confident they formed in a water environment. However they formed, it reminds us that, as alien as Mars may seem, it is in many ways remarkably similar to Earth.

Meridiani PlainThis picture taken by Mar's Rover, Opportunity shows polygonal patterns on the surface of Mars that are very similar to ice wedging polygons on Earth. How could they have formed? Credit: NASA/JPL

What does this mean for the future?

Worldwide permafrost is a significant carbon reservoir storing 25-50% of the Earth's soils' organic carbon. As permafrost thaws, the organic material decomposes and releases carbon in the form of methane. Under "normal" conditions, seasonal thawing and decomposition is very slow. However, with a warming climate the potential for accelerated methane release is great. Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas and putting more of it into atmosphere would be a bad, bad thing.

Now for some questions

Wow, that was a lot of information! Here are some things to think about. Put your responses in the comments section and don't forget to put your first name (if you want) in the body of the comment so I know who you are. Ask me some questions too! Anyone can respond.

  1. Why do you think they built the Trans-Alaskan Pipeline above the ground instead of making it an underground pipeline?

  2. Why do you think it is smelly inside the Permafrost Tunnel?

  3. Why are the surfaces of the Permafrost Tunnel dusty instead of frozen solid? (Hint- it isn't because the frost melted, it isn't wet inside at all. Note to my students- think of another change of state.)

  4. Most substances contract when they freeze, yet water expands. Why? (Hint to my students- we have talked about the structure of a water molecule and what it does when it freezes.)

  5. On Titan, a moon of Saturn, it is so cold that water ice is as hard as steel and methane (a gas at normal temperatures and pressures on Earth) exists in liquid lakes and falls as liquid rain. Titan has a thick methane atmosphere and a methane cycle perhaps similar to our water cycle. If methane is such a potent greenhouse gas, why isn't it warming up Titan?



Hey Ms. McNeal, it's Matt from 7th period asking if another layer of earth is put ontop of a permafrost layer and the active layer gets really hot, will it melt the permafrost layer?


Hi Mrs.Mcneal it's Brooke S. from 7th period. I was just wondering what do you think the horrible smell was from in the Permafrost Tunnel? I'm guessing the preserved animals? Also, how long do you think the animals have been preserved for and could they stay preserved forever or will they melt at some point in time? Thank you! -Brooke S.

Peggy McNeal

Julia and Chris,As all of the long frozen vegetation because warm due to exposure and people walking through the tunnel it thaws. Bacteria begins to break it down and like any rotting vegetation it starts to smell. Yuck.


Hey Miss McNeal it's Kiyahna B. From per.2
Permafrost is when soil and sediment remain frozen for 2 or more years in a row.

Peggy McNeal

Hi Willie and Katie,The pipe is made of steel and crude oil has a very low freezing point, lower than the temperature of Alaska even in winter. Thanks for the question!


Hi, it's Delaney Cosgrove from period 1. Is permafrost usually just underground or in tunnels?

Peggy McNeal

Matt, you always ask the most creative questions :)Well, the short answer is yes. Because think of the current situation. It's not even another layer of earth, it's just a layer of slightly warmer air. And with just that we are seeing signs of a changing permafrost layer. So if just air can do it, imagine what a hot layer of earth would do. Keep up the great thinking!


Period 2 sorry.


Howdy! This is Julia and Chris, and we were wondering why did the permafrost tunnels smell so bad?


This is Sydney and Brian from period 3. How many trucks did it take to transfer the oil?


This is Aspen and Marissa from period 3 we thought that permafrost was supposed to be hard and why are there horns and plants in the walls We were wondering why you went in there and how it was like


This is Ashley and Taylor from period 2. How many extinct creatures did you see and what were some of them?

Peggy McNeal

Ashley and Taylor,
All I saw were a bunch of bones and I cannot identify what animals they all came from. I know for sure that one was from a large horned bison. You can look at the picture under Pleistocene Epoch Life and see what types of animals existed at that time.

Peggy McNeal

Brooke- You nailed it. When all of the frozen organic material is exposed inside the tunnel, it warms up and defrosts and starts to decay. Gross! I was thinking what if there is some weird, extinct microbe in there that gets exposed and then starts taking over the planet? (Okay, that's probably science fiction.) Most of the exposed bones in the tunnel are around 14,000 years old. The bones won't melt even if the ice in the soil melts. But they could decay or stay preserved for a very long time. It depends on what type of an environment they are in and how exposed they are to bacteria, oxygen acidic soil, etc. Thanks, Brooke!


This is Jocelin and Katie from period 3. Do the polygonal patterns on the surface of mars form the same way as the ice wedges on earth?

Peggy McNeal

Ha Delaney, that's funny because I always call your class "period 1" too. Anyway, permafrost is underground, below the active layer. Its in the tunnel only because they made the tunnel go through the permafrost layer. Hope this helped!


Carson and Alexis from period 3, Couldn't the just fly the oil or was the pipeline the most logical answer?


Is permofrost usually underground??


Should we therefore keep the permafrost going and let it reach more greater depths to find perhaps evidence on the extinction of the dinosaurs or something we wouldn't even know about unless we keep the permafrost going? I mean we can't stop it, so why not learn from it. -Jacob Quintero
Per. 3


If the permafrost would melt for two years would it still be called a permafrost?


Should we therefore keep the permafrost going and let it reach more greater depths to find perhaps evidence on the extinction of the dinosaurs or something we wouldn't even know about unless we keep the permafrost going? I mean we can't stop it, so why not learn from it. -Jacob Quintero
Per. 3


Mackenzie and Kaitlin period.3Why couldn't they just fly the oil out instead?
Why did the middle east stop trading us oil?


From Ty: How much money did it take to build the pipe line?


Do ice wedges melt? If so how fast do they melt?


from jacob^^^^^^^


This is Nate and abi from per. 3. Can animals live in the ice wedges?

Peggy McNeal

Hi Jacob,By "keep the permafrost going" I'm guessing you mean encourage its melting? To see what might be in it? That's an interesting idea. Sure, maybe there is something undiscovered in the permafrost. But the very negative effects of what this would do to the climate could never justify the discoveries. If enough methane releases into the air due to melting permafrost, the results would be drastic and very detrimental. We are hoping to control the melting of permafrost by taking action now. Let me know if I misinterpreted your question. I hope I answered it. Good thinking!


how cold was it :trevor


This is Jasmin and Olivia from period 3. If all the dead vegetation went away, would the smell also go away or would it be stuck there?

Peggy McNeal

Aspen and Marissa,
Permafrost is hard. When it is exposed and warms, the water content sublimates. That is why it is so dusty in there.


Can perma-freeze be only underground or in tunnels or on the surface and how thick is the perma-freeze

Mario Acevedo period 2.

Peggy McNeal

Hi Mario!The permafrost layer is below the active layer which melts and refreezes with the seasons. So during the time that the active layer is frozen, yes there is a frozen layer on the surface. When you go in a tunnel, you are underground so the permafrost layer is apparent. If the permafrost is in a very cold climate, it can be as thick as 4,898 feet. (A mile is 5,280 feet so that is almost a mile deep!)
Great questions!

Peggy McNeal

Jasmin and Olivia,The smell is coming from the dead vegetation, so if it went away so would the smell.

Peggy McNeal

Nate and Abi,Hmmm, I don't think so. Not "animals" anyway. However, life is tenacious so I'm sure forms of bacteria and microorganisms populate even ice wedges. What a thoughtful question.

Peggy McNeal

Jacob,The ice wedges thaw seasonally. The repeated processes of thawing and refreezing is what causes the earth to expand, contract and crack.

Peggy McNeal

Mackenzie and Kaitlyn,Flying oil is not practical. There is too much and just think of how much fuel it would take to haul fuel. Doesn't really make sense.
In 1973, members of OAEPC (Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries) declared an oil embargo in response to the United States support of Israel in the Yom Kippur War. There is a lot that you can learn about there! Maybe you can find a way to read more about it!

Peggy McNeal

Trevor and Nathan,Yes, the permafrost layer is a continuously frozen layer. Above the permafrost layer is the active layer which reaches the surface. The active layer seasonally thaws.

Peggy McNeal

If the permafrost would melt for two years would it still be called a permafrost? Nope. Not unless it underwent another period of long term freeze (multiple years).

Peggy McNeal

Carson and Alexis,The pipeline was the most logical answer for moving the oil. Think about it- you don't want to use up huge amounts of fuel transferring fuel. Moving by plane would therefore be impractical. Good question!

Peggy McNeal

Jocelin and Katie-What a great question! It is not entirely known. But the fact that similar features exist on Mars and Earth make it very likely that they formed under similar processes, specifically processes involving liquid water. The presence of liquid water on Mars is what excites us the most because it increases that likelihood that Mars could have at one time harbored life.

Peggy McNeal

Abi and Nate-Mostly insects. (Spiders and creepy, crawly things.) Other than that just lots of animal fossils.

Peggy McNeal

Sydney and Brian,The oil goes by pipeline the entire length of Alaska and leaves the port of Valdez in southern Alaska by ship.


hi this is david. my question is: if there is water in the picture of mars, wouldnt there be extraterresteral creatures on that planet?

Peggy McNeal

Hi David!To be clear, there is no water in that picture of Mars, but scientists are confident that the features formed in a water environment (there was water at one time). Presence of water does not ensure extraterrestrial life. But we do look for signs of life in places where we think there is/was water ("follow the water") because life as we know it needs water to exist. As we talked about in class, we have done quite a bit of looking on Mars and found no signs of past or present life. The rover Curiosity is there now and still looking.
Thanks for the question.


HI this is Willie and Katie. What was the pipe made out of and kept it from freezing?


Howdy! This is Julia and Chris, and we were wondering why did the permafrost tunnels smell so bad?


Howdy! This is Julia and Chris, and we were wondering why did the permafrost tunnels smell so bad?