I Am So Lucky To Get To Share This With You!
Today was the most amazing day- wait didn't I just say that a few days ago? This trip is truly the experience of a lifetime. The team is great, the scenery is jaw-dropping and everyday there is a new surprise. I am so lucky to be able to share all of this with you! What made today so special? Well, for starters....

Polar Bear!
Yes, a polar bear was spotted in our town, right outside some of the dorms. Sooooo...I have to take back everything I said about polar bear sightings being rare. Good thing we are armed and trained! Did not need to resort to that, however. This one was easily scared away by a truck and the watchman. But, she was spotted a few weeks ago farther down the fjord so she may be hanging around the area. Always be on guard!
Feast Your Eyes!
I have seen pictures of glaciers, I have seen movies with glaciers but until today, I had not seen one in real life. A glacier is breathtaking. A glacier is immense. A glacier seems to be alive with beautiful hues of blue, white and brown. Glaciers make noises that sound like thunder. The icebergs that calve off from the front are equally magical. They also seem alive and are beautiful. They are colorful and make noises that sound like rice crispies.
Today was the first day out in the boats. It was a "recon" trip of sorts; we wanted to look at the glaciers and assess their condition. We were looking at how much the glaciers have retreated and deflated since the last team was here. We also looked at the landforms left behind by the retreating glaciers. The purpose was to help the students finalize their research goals so that we can start collecting data tomorrow.
The trip was also just sight seeing; it was the first time any of us had seen glaciers and Julie and Ross just wanted to show us around and introduce us to our lab for the next few weeks.
When we were in the water near the base of the glacier it was a magical moment for all of us. I stared and stared, having never seen something so beautiful and powerful at the same time. Courtney broke the silence and summed it up for all of us by shouting, "And who says science isn't cool?!?!?!?"
Enjoy the pics!
