Journal Entry

You never really leave a place or person you love. Part of them you take with you, leaving a part of yourself behind.

We left Ny Alesund today and have returned to Longyearbyen. We will take Ny Alesund with us and leave a part of ourselves behind.

The view of "our" glacier from above in the plane after three weeks of study added to our picture of its dynamics. We have discussed its subglacial streams, how they bring sediment to the fjord and rise buoyantly to create sediment plumes. A curiosity has been the sudden activity of a plume on the northern end and the quiet, but older plume in the middle. For most of our study, we were restricted to the southern end of the glacier- the rest was just too ice chocked. But the last few days the northern opened up to reveal a strong subglacial current with an excess of sediment attracting large flocks of birds. We shifted our research to the north end during the last days and gathered as much data as possible. . What caused this sudden activity? We don't know. These questions we will hash out during post expedition analysis. But what we have learned is that glaciers change. Daily. Every day that we were out there it was a new and different place. We may not ever know what exact changes caused particular shifts to the "plumbing" but recognize that glaciers are dynamic systems. Its the rate of change that we need to pay particular attention to.

You can clearly see the north and central  sediment plumes in this picture.You can clearly see the north and central sediment plumes in this picture. We spent much of our time taking measurements in this sediment plume on the southern end.We spent much of our time taking measurements in this sediment plume on the southern end. Down the glacier.  This is a view we didn't see until today.Down the glacier. This is a view we didn't see until today.



Thanks for your excellent journal posts, Peggy. What a fascinating study and place!


Great job, Peggy1

Susan Steiner

so neat that you were able to focus attention on the new northern plume...I think it's great your research team was able to take time to do that! I wonder if someone took note of what kinds of birds, among other information. nice quote about leaving...a human acknowledgement of changes of a different kind.

Peggy McNeal

It has been a fascinating study and place. Last night we went around the dinner table and shared our favorite part of the expedition. I hope that I was able to share some of that with all of you.

Peggy McNeal

Hi Susan!Yes, I took note of the kinds of birds! I have a running life list and I was able to add nine new birds to my list! Around the sediment plumes and upwellings it was largely Glaucous Gulls and Arctic Terns. Down fjord there was an amazing Kittiwake Colony. One day we had the boats over there to check it out. There were thousands and thousands of birds nesting on the cliffs and the noise was amazing! Plus, it was the only green cliff around. Lots of fertilizer!

William Roemmich

Peggy and team, thanks for the sharing your exciting and productive summer with us. Your journals and dispatches have done much to bring your efforts and research alive for the scientific and teaching communities, as well as for vicarious enthusiasts like me. Well done, all. WR

Tina Ciarametaro

Dear Peggy,I finally have a chance to post to your journal. I am hoping my stay-over in KISS will allow me to read through your expedition. We came out of camp yesterday and I am still acclimating to civilization. So many experiences, such a profound opportunity. Travel safe.

Peggy McNeal

Thank you, Bill. I hope everyone at Los Coches Creek Middle School has a wonderful first day of school!

Peggy McNeal

Hi Tina!We know the feeling. After leaving Ny Alesund, population 135 and arriving in Longyearbyen, population 2,080, we felt like we had really arrived in the big city. And I believe your party was only three? We are now in Oslo and experienced night for the first time in three weeks. Safe travels to you as well.

Richard Miles

Ms. McNeal, I would first like to thank you for you efforts in documenting this research expedition. You made the parents of these young researchers feel like we have a small understanding of the team's efforts. I am also curious as to how I can get copies of your photos! Thank you.Parents of Jessica Miles

Peggy McNeal

You are very welcome. It was a pleasure to get to know Jessica.All of us are uploading pictures to a group folder on Google drive and Jessica has access. Most of mine are up there and I will upload the rest over the next few days.
Thanks or connecting.