One of the many things that I have learned in this field season is that field researchers live a different daily rhythm than the daily grind we experience. Field researchers are very organized, revisit plans daily but in the end are at the mercy of mother nature. There have been very few times when our team actually followed 'Plan A' ~ today, is no different. Many of us at KISS, are anxious to get home to loved ones. Some people have been here for 3 months; I cannot even imagine how they slept last night. However, our flight home is on the C-130 - the same plane that needs to first go to Summit and pick up researchers and gear. The C-130 was to transport the crew to KISS yesterday - however, fog controls the events of the day. Bottom line, the C-130 left this morning for Summit (2 hours later than initially expected). FOG! We now sit and wait, learning about research, families, hopes and dreams. Today, will be a day of hurry up and wait. Mother nature once again teaching us lessons: Live in the moment, be flexible and embrace patience.
Journal Entry