Journal Entry

Weddell Seal’s Family

Before we look at the seal’s family, take a closer look at your family. Do you have brothers or sisters? Parents or grandparents? Aunts or uncles? What about cousins? If so, have you noticed things you have common? You might have similar eyes, nose, hair color, etc. You may also have similar likes, dislikes or mannerisms. But in other ways, you are probably very different! The same is true with the Weddell seal’s family. Let’s take a closer look at their family members and see how they are alike and different!

This journal is brought to you by…

Flags for FamilyThis journal is brought to you by…
  • Mrs. Sweatt’s kindergarten class at St. Anne Highland
  • Ms. Hammons 6th grade (block 4) at Lausanne Collegiate School
  • Kindergarten classes at Crosswind Elementary
  • Ms. Allen and Ms. Michaud’s 3rd grade classes at Germantown Elementary
  • Ms. Porter’s 2nd grade class at Greenbrook Elementary
  • Lynleigh Carroll from Missouri
  • April Suryaram in 1st grade at Crosswind Elementary
  • Lester Community Center

It’s all in the family

The big family that Weddell seals belong to is the pinniped suborder. What’s a pinniped, you ask? That’s a great question. Pinnipeds are marine mammals that can live on land and in water. Some of their closest relatives that aren’t pinnipeds are bears and weasles. Pinniped means ‘fin-’ or ‘feather-’ footed, referring to their flippers.

There are three types of pinnipeds or three families in the suborder Pinnipedia.

  1. Phocids – true seals, like the Weddell seal
  2. Otariids – also called ‘eared seals,’ include sea lions and fur seals
  3. Odobenids – the only member of this family is the walrus
Pinniped suborderMeet the pinniped family... well, the pinniped suborder. Photo credit: Lindsey Newton.

What do pinnipeds have in common?

  1. They are all mammals, which means they are warm-blooded, have live birth (there is one mammal family that lays eggs, but all the rest give live birth), nurse their young, breath air and have hair.
  2. They are carnivores, which means they eat only other animals. What kind of meat do Weddells eat?
  3. They have webbed flippers, used for swimming and sometimes for moving on land. They have two flippers in front (fore flippers) and two in back (hind flippers).

What’s different about pinnipeds?

It’s pretty easy to see the difference between a walrus and seal. Neither seals nor sea lions have huge tusks! But that wasn’t always the case, the walrus family used to be much more diverse, and many walrus didn't have tusks!

WalrusLook at those tusks! This guy is easy to recognize. Photo credit: Bill Curtsinger, National Geographic.

It’s a little trickier telling the difference between a sea lion and a seal.

Check out this chart below to see how they differ.

Seal and sea lion chartWhat is the difference between a seal and a sea lion? Use this chart to help you identify between the two.

Now that you know the difference, look at the drawing below. Which drawing is a seal and which is a sea lion?

Seal of sea lionIs it a seal or sea lion? Can you tell the difference? Credit: Dolphin Encounters.

If you said the seal is on the right, you would be correct!

What’s in a name?

You can’t always rely on their names to tell the difference. Take a look at this Antarctic fur seal and this crabeater seal. They both have ‘seal’ in their name but one is a phocid, or true seal, and the other is an otariid, or eared seal. Which one is which?

Compare the two and send your answer to me in the ‘Ask the Team’ section.

Antarctic fur sealThis is an Antarctic fur seal. Is it a phocid or otariid?

Photo Credit:

Crabeater sealThis is a Crabeater seal. Is it a phocid or otariid? Photo Credit: Alex Eilers.


Ian Guidroz

how many babies do they have?


Our Fuel Up To Play 60 team is pulling up your blog at our meeting. We have seen some of our flags. Thank you for noticing our school! Have a good day

Alex Eilers

Thank you for the comment! I'm thrilled you are following our journey. Keep watching... as there are a lot more flags to feature.

Ms. Alex


Alex Eilers

Great question! Weddell seal mothers typically have one pup at a time.

We have already worked with 9 seals - 5 were early moms and 4 did not pup this year.

Thanks again for following!

Ms. Alex


Edith McLeary

I teach 5th grade at Macon-Hall Elementary School in Cordova, TN. We are having fun following your adventure daily. Thanks for sharing. I discovered your adventure too late for us to participate in the post cards. We would love to send Christmas card to you and your team. Please, let me know where to send them. Thank you. Edith McLeary

Mrs. Porter's …

Antarctic Fur Seal is actually a sea lion and the Crabeater is a true seal.

Alex Eilers

You guys are amazing!!!
Ms. Alex


Alex Eilers

I am thrilled you are following my adventure. I apologize for the delay - we have been in the field for two days.

The team will be leaving the ice on Dec. 17 - if all goes as planned so we will not be here for Christmas but may I make a suggestion... the team will be coming back in mid January and I'd bet they would be excited to receive a Happy New Year card from you.

The card (or cards) can be sent to:

I believe this is the correct address and this is a US post office so it should not require extra postage.

Dr. Jennifer Bums
McMurdo Station
PSC 769 Box 700
APO AP 96599
McMurdo Station, Antarctica

Ms. Alex
