Journal Entry
Arctic Ground Squirrels
Stan Skotnicki handles a hibernating Arctic ground squirrelToday we took a break from the classroom and headed to the Museum of the North to meet with Jeanette Moore from the University of Alaska in Fairbanks to discuss the Arctic ground squirrel. Jeanette has a lab designed to simulate temperatures required for the ground squirrels to hibernation in the wild. Towards the end of our discussion she pulled out a cooler with a squirrel in it's hibernating cycle for all of us to hold. This species is native to the Arctic and lives primarily on the tundra where it will burrow into the permafrost layer up to 3 meters deep. These little guys start hibernating in August and do not wake until March/April.
Facts during hibernation
- lowers its body temperature to -2°C
- slows its breathing to just 1-3 breathes per minute
- slows heart rate to 1 beat per minute
- decreases its blood pressure
- lowers its blood supply to the brain
- has zero brain wave activity during hibernation - WOW!
Check out my video for a recap of what we learned about these fascinating creatures.