Journal Entry

Final details

Just a few days left before we head out on our departure and I find myself packing and re-packing to make sure that I am well prepared for a month of field work in the Arctic. We will be spending the majority of our days outside collecting data so I am packing plenty of non-cotton layers to stay dry and warm in the the ever-changing environment at almost 69 degrees North latitude. During our stay we will be experiencing 24 hours of sunlight as we arrive just after the Summer Solstice. However, since we are so far north of the equator, the average temperatures are expected to be around 40 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit with a fair amount of moisture because we are roughly 60 kilometers from the Arctic Ocean.

Packing and Travel route

Check out my video as I go through my packing list and discuss a bit about our travel plans on the way to Siberia.

Pack List

Here is a quick list of items I plan to bring along:

* Chargers for iPhone, computer, camera, GoPro
* Laptop
* GoPro with attachments, cables and SD cards
* Flash Drives 3x

* Just the basics - toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.

* Knit hat and baseball cap
* Wool base layer tops and bottoms
* Flannels
* T-shirts and wool wicking layers
* Rain pants, work pants, comfortable pants, shorts
* Footwear - sandals, hiking boots, and Muck boots
* Jackets - bug and rain
* Down and fleece insulating layers
* Wool socks 5x
* Gloves

* Downloaded books to read
* Field book
* Pencils and lead
* Watch
* Sunglasses
* Extra pair of glasses
* Leatherman
* Passport
* Credit Card
* Cash
* Backpack for carry-on items
* Fly rod


Cara Pekarcik

Stan - you certainly have some great packing skills! I like all the wool that you have packed - stay warm! I also love that you are taking your rod. What type of fish can you catch in Siberia?

Bill Schmoker

Hi Stan- I'm also stoked to her that you are bringing a fly rod. I hope you'll let us know how your angling turns out in addition to the other great science you'll do!!
Best- Bill Schmoker PolarTREC 2010 & 2015

Stanley Skotnicki

Thanks Bill - With 24 hours of sunlight I'm hoping I can get a little fishing in. Thanks for following.

Stanley Skotnicki

Thanks Cara - Wool is my favorite base layer. Warm in cold conditions and cool in warm conditions. I've been looking at what type of fish are in that area and it seems that the small streams are full of Arctic Grayling and Arctic Char. Could be fun!

Lynnae Kwilas

I can't believe it is time for you to leave! You will be in my prayers. Have a safe trip. I cannot wait to read all of your posts. I already learned how to save space when I pack for my next trip!

Stanley Skotnicki

Thanks Lynnae for following. I've learned to pack light over the years. Only the essentials.

Stanley Skotnicki

Thanks Janet - I plan on taking a fair amount of video and am waiting to see what kind of connectivity I have for uploading from the field. We will find out soon.


Hey Mr. Skotnicki, this is awesome! How long will the 24 hour days last And also there are misquotes in Siberia?That's pretty crazy. Good luck!


Stan, what's on your reading list for the trip?

Stanley Skotnicki

The 24 hour daylight should last for around 3-4 weeks after the Summer solstice. So by the beginning of August they should start to see the sun dipping below the horizon. It's really kind of weird to see the sun never set and just move in a circle across the sky without changing altitude.Now I haven't been to Siberia, but we will be working in similar conditions to where I was in Alaska last summer and YES there are mosquitoes, they are big and they are plentiful. Windy days are always a blessing.
Thanks for following.

Stanley Skotnicki

Still working on it Dan. I do have Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson on my list and London Falling by Paul Cornell. Any suggestions? I have a lot of plane time.


Hi Stan - I'm happy that you are able to experience such an amazing opportunity ! Safe travels to you & Mike ! I am looking forward to following you on this adventure ! Good luck, my friend !!!


P.S. I could use some packing tips from you - that's impressive !! I take a bigger bag than that for a weekend getaway !!

Stanley Skotnicki

The streams flowing into the Kolyma river are known to have Arctic grayling and Arctic Char. I'm not sure what would be in the main river itself, but am interested in finding out if time permits. The rod packs down to just 18" in length and fits inside a small hard shell tube. I don't think it will raise any questions at customs, but we will find out.

Janet Warburton

Awesome video Stan! You have a great packing list and I agree with the others that the fly rod is fun but I'm really liking the GoPro! Can't wait to see what you do with that.
Thanks for the journal!
:) Janet

Janet Warburton

I was watching this again and I got to thinking about you fishing over there. What kind of fish do you expect to catch? Do they have regulations or a special license? Will a fishing rod raise any eyebrows in customs? Just curious. Happy Fishing!Janet