Journal Entry
Toolik Outlet Ice

Visiting Toolik Outlet for science!

Toolik OutletToolik Outlet. Photo by DJ Kast

I went with Jason Dobkowski and Chris Cook to the Toolik Outlet where they were installing a conductivity sensor.

Chris and JasonChris Cook and Jason Dobkowski installing a conductivity sensor at Toolik Outlet. Photo by DJ Kast Conductivity sensorConductivity sensor. Photo by DJ Kast

Toolik Lake is thawing from the winter freeze that was about 2 meters thick. Toolik Lake's top layer ice is thawing and breaking apart and much of the ice is going downstream.

DJ photographing streamGetting an up close shot of the ice in the middle of the stream. Photo by DJ Kast Ice CloseupIce Closeup. Photo by DJ Kast Ice Lego Scale Ice Lego Scale Photo by DJ Kast Ice on Toolik Outlet Ice on Toolik Outlet. Photo by DJ Kast Underwater ice photoUnderwater Ice photo. Photo by DJ Kast

While the lake thaws it creates what is called candle ice.

Candle Ice on the landscapeToolik outlet candle ice on the landscape. Photo by DJ Kast

Candle ice develops in columns perpendicular to the surface of the lake. They make a clinking sound when the candles are broken apart and float in the water bumping into each other.

Candle Ice in handPicking up Candle Ice in the Toolik outlet. Photo by DJ Kast USC Young Scientist Program Flag

Toolik outlet photo with the Polar flag from Mr. Hinkel's fifth grade classroom from Weemes Elementary.

Weemes HinkelToolik outlet photo with the Polar flag from Mr. Hinkel's fifth grade classroom from Weemes Elementary. Photo by DJ Kast


Cara Pekarcik

DJ - I love the sound that the candle ice makes! Thanks for sharing. I hope you are having a great time - can't wait to hear more about your research and other adventures!

Dr. Byron Crump

Candle ice is my favorite sound in the Arctic. I would love to record it to listen to in my office in Oregon.

Anne Farley Sc…

I concur! The formation and sound of the ice is fascinating!

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