Journal Entry

The Arctic is the land of extremes. We had 70F degree weather on Monday, and a snow storm on Tuesday that cancelled our I-series and postponed it to today. This snow storm left like 10 cm of snow across the entire Arctic Tundra.

Today is the third day of field work! We were out for 10 hours sampling 6 lakes the first day, and there will be even more on the second day. The I-series blog will be coming soon with exact specifics.

We flew our to first I-series site today in the morning with the thick snow cover. Around mid-afternoon we were helicoptered to another set of lakes and since its 50F today, most of it melted under the ever-present Arctic Sun but some snow cover remained. By 6 PM, when our return flight to Toolik occured, most of the snow had melted already. Fascinating!

9 AM this morning: Helicopter ride out to Lake I-3

4 PM this afternoon:

6 PM this evening- return to Toolik:



Dr. Byron Crump

It was snowing so much the day before this trip I expected it to stick around a little longer, but by the afternoon it was mostly melted. And we saw that meltwater in the swollen streams and lakes we sampled that day. The watershed was gushing out water into Toolik Lake.