Journal Entry

Classroom Preparations

Trying to get your classroom ready when you know that you are going to miss the first few days of school is a daunting task. As I made sure all my materials were in place (and made a list of what I still needed to buy…hence the title of this journal), the following questions started to pop into my mind: Will all of my copies get made? Will my student teacher understand the notes I left? Will someone be there to unlock the door and let my student teacher in? Will my students remember (or care) where I am????

It’s hard to believe that the summer is winding down and I am quickly approaching the start of another school year. What’s harder to believe it that I am heading out to the Arctic in just 2 days. Ummm…less than 36 hours. Beyond getting my classroom ready, I have to get all my gear ready. I’m sort of ready.

Packed? I promise I'm making headway...

Procrastinator or Highly Productive?

I often wait until the last minute to do things, but I’ve known myself for a long time, and let’s just say that I produce high quality work when I’m under the wire. When I agree to the “one last dinner/drink/coffee/fill in the blank… before you leave” am I using it as a diversion from packing or have I just realized that I need that little bit of time pressure to get to work? Does anyone else have that push & pull within them? I know some of my students can relate to this… HINT, HINT: if you are one of my students, this might be an easy journal to comment on ;)

Procrastination CatThis meme pretty much sums it up.

A Sense of Urgency

All joking aside, I’m extremely excited to head back to one of the most gorgeous places I’ve ever experienced – the North Slope of Alaska and Toolik Field Station. Keep reading my journals and I will try to document beautiful, fragile and biologically significant the Arctic is. The short video below helps to explain a bit of the impacts of the changes going on in the polar regions.

I hope that my pictures and words will highlight the importance of these ecosystems. It must be important if I’m going to leave these guys for 3 weeks…

Sleeping Beauties How can I possibly pack when I have these two to cuddle?


Nell Kemp

Hi Dorian,
I'm glad to hear that you don't procrastinate like me. Thanks for asking
about keeping in touch - thankfully the field station has pretty great
wireless, so I can email, text/call over wifi so I will be able to stay in
close contact with friends and family.

Fatimah Skeets

I tend to procrasrinate a lot because it seems that I work better when put under slight stress or have a deadline that is nearing. It's as if the good ideas don't start flowing until the situation becomes more real. How is the study going? Have you found any fossils or interesting things frozen in the permafrost?

Nell Kemp

Hi Joseph,
I unfortunately won't get to do much traveling/hiking on this trip, but I was fortunate to do so when I went in 2013. We are pretty localized in our study - we work around the field station (in the middle of the Arctic tundra) and do a lot of processing of samples in the lab. Since we are working pretty much non-stop here, that doesn't leave much time for recreation!

See you soon!

Nell Kemp

Hi Dorian,
I'm glad to hear that you don't procrastinate like me. Thanks for asking about keeping in touch - thankfully the field station has pretty great wireless, so I can email, text/call over wifi so I will be able to stay in close contact with friends and family.

Nell Kemp

Hi Fatimah!
It sounds like you and I have the same attitude towards working under pressure, but I have seen your high quality work so I think you've figured out how you work best! We don't dig deep into the permafrost here - we are more concerned about the active layer of soil above that permafrost line, so no fossils :(

Nell Kemp

Hi Imani,
We don't have any glaciers where I am located - just permafrost about 50 cms below the active soil. This study is focused on whether or not the plants on the tundra have deep enough roots to access some of the Nitrogen stored within the permafrost (remember, climate change is causing it to warm at an accelerated rate).

Kylie Malone

I tend to procrastinate, because of all the work. It gets stressful sometimes. I don't wait until the last minute to do things I get back to doing the work after a little break. I usally keep everything organized and spaced out so I won't have to rush to do things. To add on to this comment will you do a lot of hiking? Do you research types of glaciers?

Elijah looper

Is their any way to reverse the effects of ice melting.

Elijah looper

How do you deal with procrastination.

Nell Kemp

Hi Kylie,
I think I answered some of this in previous posts - I unfortunately won't get to do much traveling/hiking on this trip, but I was fortunate to do so when I went in 2013. We are pretty localized in our study - we work around the field station (in the middle of the Arctic tundra) and do a lot of processing of samples in the lab. Since we are working pretty much non-stop here, that doesn't leave much time for recreation! None of our research here focuses on glaciers, we are more interested on the root system of tundra plants to see if they will be able to access certain nutrients if the permafrost starts to thaw as our climate changes.

D'shya Daniels

I can admit I am a procurator too but when I finally do the work I end up doing a pretty good job.

Eghonghon Eromosele

Well, this isn't a question, just my comment. I procrastinate on everything, I even call myself the "Queen of Procrastinating." (Heck, I even procrastinated on asking questions as you can see) You're not alone Ms. Kemp!

Jordan Beasley

I don't procrastinate unless I underestimate the amount of work I have. I typically plan out and space out assignments do I can get them done easier. If I do procrastinate, then I do work hard and fast like you said you do. What are the three most important items you think you're packing for the Arctic?

Nell Kemp

Hi Jordan,
So glad to hear that you are not a slacker like me - I will make sure to remember that when I give you guys a long term assignment this year ;)

1. Laptop, so I can keep in touch with all of you!
2. My XtraTuff rubber boots to wade through the mucky, muddy, swampy thawing permafrost
3. Cold weather sleeping bag – it gets down to freezing some nights! I do stay in a platform tent so I am protected from the elements, but no central heating…

There are a lot of other things I have to bring to be comfortable up there – sunglasses for the 24 hours of daylight, a winter coat since it’s only about 55 degrees on a good day and lots of waterproof outer gear since it can get pretty soggy and damp up there. I’ll be glad to come back to warm Chicago, even in September!

Ericka Jones

Ha, HA, have to relate with the procrastinating(HINT HINT the date of this comment.)However, I want to ask, other than taking pictures, are you allowed to bring back anything? I'm not exactly sure on what you would bring back but I'm curious.

Imani Harris

Hi Ms. Kemp! Most of the time I try to avoid procrastinating because I like to have the ease of mind of knowing I do not have to do anything aftet I finish, but on the few occasions I do procrastinate it allows me to work faster and harder on the assignment. To add on to your other tasks will you also focus on a specific glacier and see the impact that changing weather can have on it?

Rayven Harris

i always do things at the last minute but when i do decide to do it I do a good job!

Joseph Munoz

Hi Miss Kemp! I usually don't procrastinate because I like to get things done quickly. It just eases all my stress. But I definitely don't get an extra boost under pressure like you. Once I stop doing something I have trouble concentrating again, which is why I always set my priorities. To add on to this comment, will you do a lot of traveling and hiking in the Arctic, or will you only be studying one area?

Dorian Moody

Majority of the time I don't procrastinate because I plan/space out my assignments weekly in a way so that I can get them done easier. If I do procrastinate then I start to panic and I work really hard and fast until I fully complete the assignment. Also, music helps relax me when I am completing an assignment.
Also, how are you going to keep in touch with your family while in the Arctic.

Danielle Hester

Hi Ms.Kemp, I usually don't find myself to procrastinate a lot but then again I have my moments. While your there in the Arctic, do you think that there is really room for you to wait til the last minute in your studies or do you have to get it done right at that moment ?

Nell Kemp

Hi Joseph,
I unfortunately won't get to do much traveling/hiking on this trip, but I
was fortunate to do so when I went in 2013. We are working pretty much
non-stop here and I also want to make sure that I don't miss too much of
the first week of school!

See you soon!