”You're in!” My husband had texted only 2 words. Oh my gosh, somebody pinch me, I must be dreaming. I stared at his message until my brain could comprehend what that meant. I quick touched the e-mail icon on my phone. My heart was pounding. PolarTREC. My interview was yesterday. I wasn't supposed to hear until the end of the month, but there it was like a beacon in the night. I clicked on the e-mail. I read it and re-read it several times. Tears of joy were streaming down my face. I had been selected by researcher Dr. Ackley to join him and his team to travel to Antarctica. I read the words out loud, well maybe half screamed the words. My whole body was shaking. My trembling fingers could barely type a confirmation e-mail in return. I danced from room to room. This was really going to happen. I was in utter amazement and shock. I must be the luckiest teacher in the world.
It is February and my heart still races at the thought that I will be in Antarctica doing real polar research with an actual scientist. This is not me going to watch science, I will be doing science. What I can bring back for my students and colleagues alike, my thoughts are racing at the opportunities.
"You have to go where to train for Antarctica?" asks my husband. "I have to go to Alaska for a week in February. Do you believe it? My 49th state...this is beyond words." Well, here I am writing my first entry after day 1 of training in Fairbanks. I have much to learn and many people to get to know. As always, it is not the destination but the journey that is remembered. This begins my journey to the ends of the Earth.

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