I had to wake up at 6am for my live presentation at 7am, so of course I only got to sleep around 11:30pm and kept waking up from 3am on to check the time to make sure I didn't miss it. I was quite tired when it started, but was so glad that we didn't have any tech glitches this time. It was also nice to have more friends and family be able to watch and take part, as well as all of the classes that were there, and for Cory to be able to join this time. I had fun and still made it to breakfast in time!

After breakfast I made a new video, but discovered a new problem with iMovie. That makes two issued I'm having. I'll probably figure it out just as I give this computer back. After lunch, we headed back to Atigun with the now famous "Orange/Orange" and the two females we collected data from yesterday.

We spent the afternoon trapping and caught several squirrels we had caught before - including Orange/Orange! - but we also got three new individuals, so we brought them back to the lab and processed all three after dinner. Today was lovely and felt quite warm most of the time we working, like Beach Arctic. So different than yesterday!

On the way back to my room I rewarded myself by making an ice cream cookie sandwich with two freshly baked chocolate chip cookies and Butterfinger ice cream. It was delicious, and as soon as I sat down to eat it with my friends who were watching another Star Wars, they paused the movie and got up to make their own! I left shortly after as it was already 9pm and I still had homework to do with the journal.

Enjoy the new movie. It shows a squirrel capture from the time I set the trap until the squirrel gets caught by the need for more delicious carrot. You can see me and Cory in the background as well, by happy accident.
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