Journal Entry

The Lake Peters Field Team finally conquers Carnivore Creek!

Brooks RangeView of the Brooks Range from the helicopter. In the Kuparuk River Valley. Photo by Melissa Barker.

This is the second field dispatch from the Arctic Glacial Lakes project.

This is an audio journal from Rebecca Harris. Due to limited communications, Rebecca is sending in audio journals. Enjoy learning about Trolls!

You can also follow the team on their FaceBook page.


Kerry Piper

Hey Rebecca!I'll definitely be telling my class about the trolls you've been playing with. I've been enjoying your posts!

Rebecca Harris

Thanks Kerry! I am glad that this will be helpful. I'll be posting photos soon... let me know if there's anything I could send along that
would be helpful in your classroom. I'll also be making lesson plans,
possibly with some of the troll data. Lots of potential. Loggers give
such pretty trends- nothing like messy ecological data :)

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