I am struggling with tonight's journal. I can't seem to find the right words... how to begin a journal on a day when your life was perhaps hanging in the balance. I am safe, now, but earlier, well, that is questionable. A bit dramatic perhaps, but when you are in Antarctica, the margin for error is slim. In trying to keep it simple, suffice it to say, heading out on snowmobiles on sea ice requires a great deal of planning, acknowledgement and practicality. Unfortunately, two of those were non-existent and well, the practicality part, never my strong suit! My mom will certainly be shaking her head in agreement on this! However, to my defense, I did have enough common sense to radio in for help. Our team was not safe today. Lessons learned, thankfully!
All was not lost however, I saw beautiful sights and was able to get as close to Weddell Seals as is allowable. I actually got to ride on my snowmachine, something I have been aching to do since I got here. The day also ended with some wonderful new friends, a first comment from a student on my journals and a lot of solid information from the Kiwi's heading up our mission. All in all, a great day. Take out the minor mishap of getting lost on the ice shelf and nearly heading onto untested sea ice, and the day is a complete win! That is how I will remember it! Below are my pics of the day and of course, a fabulous set of Lorax Cards from Alton and David.
Snowmachines at Scott Base awaiting our arrival. Ice ridges on our snowmobile trail. Where sea ice is meeting up with the land. We are leaving the Snowmobile Park and heading out to McMurdo. Our first day on the sleds! A beautiful picture I couldn't resist taking. Loved the sun peeking through the cloud cover. A view of Castle Rock and Mt. Erebus to the right. An odd sign on our journey. LC-130 aircraft sitting on the ice runway. This is what we will be taking on our Rosetta Ice Pod Flights over the fast ice. A PistenBully coming to the rescue! Mt. Erebus shrouded in clouds, but a nice scene while we wait for the PistenBully to arrive. PistenBully is getting closer. They move pretty slow, about 20 mph. Waiting on the ice is cold, especially when you aren't moving and are without your bunny boots! Up close with the PistenBully that has arrived to show us to the right location to return to base safely! Had to take this pic. Sun was playing off the mountain ridge and well, we were safely on our way back, so time to snap a few photographs. Sun never really sets this time of year, but this looks like the sun might be setting. More beautiful scenery on our trail ride home. McMurdo has emerged from behind the mountain. We are pretty close now. Nearly 'home'! Seals, so close. Had to get off the sleds and get a few pics! Another cute seal basking in the sunlight. Two more seals delighting in the afternoon sun. Flat Lorax postcards for Alton in 1st grade and David in APES!
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