Journal Entry

Mt. Erebus is the southernmost active volcano in the world. It is in my sights every day we go out into the field. An impressive mountain rising 12,447 ft at its summit. It is not the highest point in Antarctica, which is reserved for Mt. Vinson at 16,050ft. Each day I see Mt. Erebus, I am continually impressed with its beauty and ever changing cloud cover. I keep taking pictures as it changes throughout the day forever trying to find the best angle and light to showcase this natural wonder.

Erebus smokingView 1 of Erebus on Wednesday. Erebus 4Erebus with very little steam and covered in shadow. Erebus in cloudsMorning view on Friday of Erebus. Clouds roll inClouds roll in and eventually cover Erebus from view. Clouds dispersingClouds dispersing from Erebus.

Mt. Erebus is a stratovolcano or composite volcano. That is, it is made in layers of alternating layers of lava and pyroclastic debris and ash. It has a caldera and is continuously erupting making it somewhat of an oddity. Many stratovolcanoes boast massive eruptions every 20,000+ years or so, such as Mt. St. Helens, Krakatoa or Mt. Fuji. 60% of all volcanoes on Earth are stratovolcanoes. They hold the record on the number of deaths caused from eruption. But eruptions are not the only way a stratovolcano can kill.

Clouds nearly goneClouds nearly gone! Sky and ErebusSky view and Erebus togother from our test site this afternoon. Getting ready to leave the test siteAnother view of Erebus as we head out at 7:30pm.

On Nov. 28th, 1979, Air New Zealand's Flight TE-901 carrying 237 passengers and 20 crew members perished in one of the worst aviation disasters in history. The plane impacted with the mountain and instantly killed everyone on board. The accident was shrouded in controversy over the mechanics of the plane, flight plan and operator error. The final word was that it was caused by pilot error. The plane was flying low in cloud cover and the volcano didn't give way.

Cant get enoughI just can't get enough photos of this volcano! Venting up closeVenting up close and the glaciers covering the mountain.

Wreckage is reportedly still found on Erebus, but I did not spot any from our vantage point at sight 2 or 3 today. The volcano sits alone, venting its fumes. It last erupted somewhat significantly in Mid-Oct throwing bombs and blocks, but this is a scientist's paradise. Most individuals here in McMurdo would just about give their right arm to be involved in science on that mountain. I am in good company.

Last Erebus Last Erebus pic of the day!

Today's flat Lorax cards are from Wesley in 1st grade and Napsy, a student that I have been lucky to have had in APBio last year and in APES this year!

Flat Lorax Post CardsFlat Lorax postcards for Wesley in 1st grade and Napsy in APES but also a former APBio student!



Good job yesterday Mrs. Bault! What other activities will you do down there? What kind of food and entertainment do you have down there?

Abby Geiger

Hello Ms. Bault!!!!! I was so happy to see you yesterday during our skype session. It was very interesting to hear what you are doing down there. I started laughing when my question was asked! I wondered if a boiling pot of water would freeze if it was tossed into the air. Apparently it won't! That suprised me because I totally thought it would. I am looking forward to seeing you again! Have fun and stay safe down there!!!

Nathan Plotkin

Hey Mrs. Bault, We miss you you here at Nicolet, believe me! I hope everything is going well, you're enjoying your scientific trip, and it's everything you hoped it would be! Here's hoping you have a lot of exciting stories to tell us when you get back!

Destiny Huven

I'm glad you are enjoying your time in Antarctica. It looks beautiful there. Can't wait for you to come back and tell more us about it. Destiny

Mikaeyla Grant

Good morning Ms. Bault after watching your video chat yesterday I became really interested in the volcano. I remember you mentioning that it was currently active and that you saw smoke come from it once while you were there but have you seen it do it again since then?

Anna Spektor

Hello Mrs. Bault! Missing you here, but also learning a lot with the help of Mrs. Roberts.

Is that the closest you have gotten to the mountain? And you mentioned there are artists and photographers there. Is Mt. Erebus a major component of what they are there to shoot/draw?

Molly Ellner

Hi Ms. Bault,This trip looks so amazing and I'm so glad you love it! I'm really looking forward for you coming home to tell us more stories about your experiences.

Myles Porter

Mrs. Bault, these photos are incredible. We miss you here but we are having fun with Mrs. Roberts. See you in a few weeks!

Miles George

The photos are incredible! Thanks for getting up at 3. We all miss you, stay warm!

Megan Sullivan

Hi Ms. Bault,I miss you! The snowmobiling you talked about in the Skype sounds super fun! I'm looking forward to hearing more about your adventures when you come back! :)


Hi Ms. Bault it was great hearing from you yesterday! The pictures look surreal, and everything you're doing down there is inspiring.

Tehya Crego

Hi Mrs. Bault!I hope you're having a phenomenal time down there! It was really awesome to video chat with you and the researchers the other day. It's really neat to see that you guys are having fun researching down there and I look forward to your return and the results from this!


Hope you continue to have a great time in Antarctica! The story you told about driving around a seal was awesome. I was thinking Erebus must be a nice distraction from the flat white that covers most of the continent. Pictures are beautiful. Good luck spotting some wreckage on the mountain, but more importantly some penguins! Thanks for your hard work on climate change! Can't wait to have you back teaching and to talk about your trip!

Blair and Mari

Hey Mrs. Bault!! It's Blair and Mari! We loved the video session yesterday and the photos and blog we are lucky to see today! Beautiful pictures. We hope/know you're having the time of your life, can't wait to see you soon! :)

Jenny Davis

Hi Ms. Bault! It was nice to hear from you yesterday, I hope you're enjoying your time in Antarctica. If you ever have freetime down there what do you do?


Hi Ms. Bault! I was really disappointed to miss the Skype session yesterday. I hope that you are doing well... and from the sounds of it, you are! I love reading your posts everyday. All the work you are doing is amazing, and the pictures you take are incredible. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your trip!- Anna

Max newman

Hi mrs. Bault! Hope everything's going well and you're staying safe! Can't wait to hear all about it when you get back.

Jennifer Bault

Hey Abby,
Thanks for writing. Glad your question got answered! I miss you kids a
lot and am looking forward to coming home and sharing this amazing
experience with all of you. I hope class is going well. Things here
are wonderful!

See you in a few weeks,

Mrs. Bault

On 11/3/17 4:28 AM, PolarTREC wrote:

Jennifer Bault

Hey Nathan,
Thanks for sending this! I love to hear from you kids. I miss you all
so much and am looking forward to getting back into the classroom to
share this amazing experience. I will certainly have a few crazy
stories to tell! Hope class is going well,

See you in a few short weeks,

Mrs. Bault

On 11/3/17 4:30 AM, PolarTREC wrote:

Jennifer Bault

Hey Nathan,
Good to hear from you! Aside from the research, we do a lot of hiking.
That is probably my go to. Many sights to see. Lots of trails! There
was a big halloween party last Sat. night, and there are theme nights
quite frequently. They also have a few adult "establishments" though I
never have enough time to get to them. Last night there was karaoke in
one of the bars. There are exercise groups everyday as well as group
V-ball, bball, and soccer. They have a library and a knitters group, art
club, music groups and a host of other activities. We can check out
skis or even fat tire bikes to ride around in the snow. I have not been
bored at all.

Hope all is well, miss you kids,

Mrs. Bault

On 11/3/17 4:27 AM, PolarTREC wrote:

Jennifer Bault

Thanks for writing Destiny. It is very beautiful here. Breathtaking actually. I am excited to come back to the classroom and share this
with all of you. Miss you kids,

Mrs. Bault

On 11/3/17 5:19 AM, PolarTREC wrote:

Jennifer Bault

Hi Mikaeyla,
I am so glad you are interested in the Volcano. There are many
volcanoes here but Erebus is probably the most famous due to its
activity and proximity to McMurdo. I have seen it puffing and venting
quite a bit over the last few days. Some days it is more prevalent than

Looking forward to sharing pics and stories with all of you when I return,

Mrs. Bault

On 11/3/17 5:20 AM, PolarTREC wrote:

Jennifer Bault

Hi Anna,
Missing you kids a ton, but I do love being here. I am glad you are
enjoying having Mrs. Roberts. Mt. Erebus brings its own fan club of
scientists working on various research from the geology to the chemistry
to the ice caves and the biology within them. It is pretty amazing what
all goes on here for science. Artists and writers are trying to capture
a multitude of areas of interest, but certainly most enjoy seeing
Erebus. It is beautiful.

I would think someday you could easily be a scientist down here. You
have the ability. You would fit in well with this fabulous group of people.

See you in a few weeks,

Mrs. Bault

On 11/3/17 5:21 AM, PolarTREC wrote:

Jennifer Bault

Hey Nathan,
Good to hear from you! Aside from the research, we do a lot of hiking.
That is probably my go to. Many sights to see. Lots of trails! There
was a big halloween party last Sat. night, and there are theme nights
quite frequently. They also have a few adult "establishments" though I
never have enough time to get to them. Last night there was karaoke in
one of the bars. There are exercise groups everyday as well as group
V-ball, bball, and soccer. They have a library and a knitters group, art
club, music groups and a host of other activities. We can check out
skis or even fat tire bikes to ride around in the snow. I have not been
bored at all.

On 11/3/17 4:27 AM, PolarTREC wrote:

Jennifer Bault

Hey Molly,
Hope all is well in APBIO. I miss you kids a lot but love being here
too. I am learning so much and looking forward to sharing it back when
I return to Nicolet. This place is very special.

Mrs. Bault

On 11/3/17 5:21 AM, PolarTREC wrote:

Jennifer Bault

Hey Myles,
Glad to hear you are enjoying having Mrs. Roberts. I do miss you kids a
lot, but love being here too. Glad you like the photos. Many more to come!

Behave yourself and I will see you in a few weeks. Thanks for writing,

Mrs. Bault

On 11/3/17 5:22 AM, PolarTREC wrote:

Jennifer Bault

Hey Miles,
Thanks for the comments. There will be many more photos of spectacular
scenery in the couple of weeks to come. Hope class is going well. I
miss you kids but do enjoy being here too. The science going on down
here is refreshing and plentiful. I am learning a lot and am looking
forward to sharing it when I return. I could see you down here someday.
You have the curiosity of a scientist and the work ethic too.

See you in a few weeks,

Mrs. Bault

On 11/3/17 5:22 AM, PolarTREC wrote:

Jennifer Bault

Hey Megan,
I miss you kids. I love being here but do miss being in the classroom.
I am learning so much and the science going on here is absolutely
amazing and plentiful. I am looking forward to sharing it with all of
you upon my return. Hope class is going well. See you in a few weeks,

Mrs. Bault

On 11/3/17 5:22 AM, PolarTREC wrote:

Jennifer Bault

Hey Sunil,
So good to hear from you. Hope class is going well. I miss you kids
but do love being here. It is an amazing place with so much cool
science going on and some of the most decorated scientists right on
campus. It is sweet to have lunch and sit at the same table with some
of the greats. Looking forward to sharing the experience upon my return,

See you in a few weeks,

Mrs. Bault

On 11/3/17 5:22 AM, PolarTREC wrote:

Jennifer Bault

Hi Tehya,
Thanks for taking the time to comment. I love hearing from all of you.
It has been an awesome trip so far and I am learning so much. The
science going on down here is spectacular and plentiful. So many neat
and decorated scientists that are so willing to show and teach you about
what they are doing. I am looking forward to sharing the experience
when I get back. Miss you kids but hope class is going well,

See you in a few weeks,

Mrs. Bault

On 11/3/17 5:24 AM, PolarTREC wrote:

Jennifer Bault

Hey Bryce,
How's it going? Hope class is going well. Thanks for taking the time
to comment on the journal. I have yet to see penguins but keep hoping
that will happen some day soon. I miss you kids tremendously, but do
love being here. I love taking part in all of the science and learning
about what other researcher are doing down here too. Some pretty amazing
scientists, legends, are here and so willing to share and talk. A very
cool environment for the science nerd in me!

See you in a few weeks,

Mrs. Bault

On 11/3/17 5:24 AM, PolarTREC wrote:

Jennifer Bault

Hey Jenny,
I love being in Antarctica. I don't have a ton of freetime but anytime
I do, I am usually hiking or trying to get caught up on postcards and
comments on the journals. I miss you kids, but think I will hang out a
while here in Antarctica. It's pretty sweet to be here and I love it!

See you in a few weeks,

Mrs. Bault

On 11/3/17 6:13 AM, PolarTREC wrote:

Jennifer Bault

Hi Ladies,
Nice to hear from you. Hope all is going well in AP Bio. Miss you
kids, though I do love being here. I think I will stay a little while
longer! Glad you enjoyed the pics. There are many more to come!

See you in a few weeks,

Mrs. Bault

On 11/3/17 6:13 AM, PolarTREC wrote:

Jennifer Bault

Hi Anna,
Sorry you missed the skype session. Hope AP Bio is going well for you,
not that I am concerned in the least. You are a remarkable student and
will do well no matter who is teaching you! Antarctica is majestic and
humbling. I hope some day you will get to visit. The science being
done here is beyond amazing and so plentiful. I get to talk with highly
decorated scientists and discuss their work while sitting at lunch or
dinner with them. I am in awe most of the time here!

I miss you kids though and am looking forward to getting back into the
classroom to share the experience!

See you in a few weeks,

Mrs. Bault

On 11/3/17 6:13 AM, PolarTREC wrote:

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