Journal Entry

"Where the river is windin', big nuggets they're findin', north to Alaska go north the rush is on, north to Alaska go north the rush is on"

Being Selected For PolarTREC

The 1960 song by Johnny Horton was a favorite of my father and immediately sprang to my mind when I found out I was selected for an expedition with PolarTREC. I spent much of my youth loudly protesting this song whenever I heard it played, be it on our home stereo or on family road trips. I felt a surge of excitement when I realized this folksy song, that is one heck of an ear-worm to get rid of, sort of applied to me and maybe somehow those tortured moments of my youth were preparing me for this very moment. Unlike the character Sam McCord in Horton's ballad, I was not seeking gold and monetary gain, but a different kind of treasure and wealth. Since being selected, my knowledge and passion for the Arctic region and Arctic related issues has exponentially grown. My nuggets of gold have been the experiences, information, and my new cohort of fellow expeditioners that have already made me far richer than I was before. I hope to blaze a trail that will inspire my 6th graders that, they too, can do amazing acts of science where ever they are, even in Piedmont, Oklahoma. Maybe I should thank my dad for his foresight in preparing his daughter for a future of Arctic adventures beyond what she could have imagined or dreamed of for herself.


Melissa Lau

My favorite thing is meeting new friends and learning about all the cool stuff that they and I will be doing this year in the Arctic and Antarctic!

On 3/29/18 11:03 AM, PolarTREC wrote:

Braxtyn Turner

Your cool, and your probably cold too! In fact that's one of my questions! Are you cold? And, Have you been having fun? Also, Have you learned anything to share with us at school when you get back? Have fun!!!

Melissa Lau

I was so excited and could not believe that they chose me!
On 3/29/18 9:19 AM, PolarTREC wrote:

Melissa Lau

Thank you! I'm very excited to share all of this with you guys!
On 3/29/18 9:21 AM, PolarTREC wrote:

Melissa Lau

The plants in Alaska would not do well in Oklahoma (even indoors!).
On 3/29/18 9:23 AM, PolarTREC wrote:

Ella Nikkel

how old do you have to be and where else do you go instead of alaska ?

Melissa Lau

I'm great! This is the most amazing experience and I'm just at training and orientation!

On 3/29/18 6:01 AM, PolarTREC wrote:

Melissa Lau

I have so many stories, pictures and videos to share when I get home! I'm not cold, but it is cold out here. However, there is no wind so it
doesn't feel as cold as it does sometimes in Oklahoma.

On 3/29/18 5:59 AM, PolarTREC wrote:


Hi Mrs. Lau. What did you first feel when you first found out that you were going on this expedition?

Morgan Winfield

I hope that you discover many interesting things. I am glad to see that this is hard to be selected for, which means you are determined. And I know you will be able to do many things.


Your studying seems very fasanating.Will you bring anything back to study,like a plant of some type.

Judy Fahnestock

Love your quote and what a great story. It *does* seem like your Dad prepped your for this next adventure. I look forward to following your journals during your expedition. Nice job.

Pam Tarlton

You are bringing home such a wealth of information of which your students will partake! Some day, you may be hearing from a young expeditioner whom you inspired, reporting on an important scientific discovery! Have fun and soak up all that is in front of you!

Tammy Stokes

Melissa you inspire me everyday to become a better teacher. I Love to see how you are always wanting to learn more knowledge and then come back home to share with your students. I can’t wait to hear about the rest of your adventure.


So exciting. Once in a lifetime. I want to be youmwhen I grow up. Seriously. Xox

Jennifer Ingram

This is so exciting! I’m looking forward to reading about your adventures and learning more about your expidition!

Jennifer Ingram

This is so exciting! I’m looking forward to reading about your adventures and learning more about your expidition!

Jeri Dyer

So excited to see where this journey leads you and your students.

Suzanne Bryan

Thank you for sharing your big adventure with us, however, I will have “North to Alaska” in my head for the remainder of the day.

Kathy Robinson

I had forgotten about that song! Dad has always done a great job preparing us for life but who knew you'd end up in the Arctic! Looks like an exciting trip and you are just getting started. Our Piedmont students are lucky to have you, hope you are still teaching when Easton and Paisley get there! Have fun and be safe!

Melissa Lau

Try months. I finally got rid of it, but it returned when I wrote this journal entry!

On 3/27/18 5:08 AM, PolarTREC wrote:

Melissa Lau

Awww, I say the same thing about you! Thank you!
On 3/27/18 2:58 AM, PolarTREC wrote:

Melissa Lau

Thank you, friend. I can't do these amazing things without my super supportive team. I appreciate all you do to help me!

On 3/26/18 11:15 PM, PolarTREC wrote:

Melissa Lau

Wouldn't that be the best!? I hope that comes true!
On 3/26/18 10:35 PM, PolarTREC wrote:

Judy Walton

Loved your journal entry. I do remember the song and loved the connection with Dad. We are so proud of you. It amazes us that you are so adventurous and doing things we never dreamed of doing. What an oportunity to learn and share with your students. Be safe and warm.


Glad I was able to help you further your interest in science.


Hey Mrs. Lau hope your having a super fun time. Whats your favorite thing your doing?


Hey Mrs. Lau hope your having a super fun time. Whats your favorite thing your doing?

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