Journal Entry

So it really hit me today. Standing on the top of a hill in Toolik working on phenology plots, thinking about the overall greenness of the ledum in a plot 42, and it struck me. I'm doing science. Real science. I'm playing a part in understanding climate change and its affects on an ecosystem. I'm contributing to the greater good. It's overwhelming and wonderful.

The moment that I realized my impactThis is the moment I realized the profound signifigance in the simple routine.

On A Lighter Note...

We edited the time lapse of a pheno cam from the Imnavait Creek that was focused on a pedicularis. Not only did it show the blooms and that they appear to be heliotropic (follow the path of the sun, like a sunflower), but also the culprit who ate the flowers!

Ground Squirrel and PedicularisHere's the guilty party. An Arctic ground squirrel decided to munch on the pedicularis.


Judy Fahnestock

Yes, you ARE doing real science! Awesome work Melissa. And wow - I had no idea that the plants would move to that extreme to follow the sun in the Arctic. Incredible video (and good job catching the culprit!)

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