As many of you know, I’ve been working toward being a PolarTREC teacher and deploying to Antarctica for almost two years. It has been getting more and more real with each step. The first time it seemed “real” was when I received the email that said I had been selected to be interviewed. Then came the email that I had been selected to go to Antarctica. Next was the trips to Alaska for the PolarTREC orientation and two trips to meet my team in Wisconsin. The thing that has made this seem the most real has been two things, both of which came within the last two weeks!
As you will read in the next journal, I received my plane tickets for going to Antarctica.
But what really confirmed to me that this was real and actually going to happen was when the Principal Investigator of our Automatic Weather Station project, Dr. Matthew Lazzara sent us our “RSP” or the Research Support Plan.
This is the Supply Requisition for the 2018 Automatic Weather Station expedition.That has all of the “support” that our project requires from the United States Antarctic Program.
This is the Supply Requisition (part 2) for the Automation Weather Station 2018 expedition.The part I was most interested in was the “Field Support” (supplies) and the “Air Support” sections.
This is the expected helicopter support for the 2018 Automatic Weather Station expedition. This is the fixed wing support expected for the 2018 Automatic Weather Stations expedition.When I saw "Ice Axes" , "2 person survival sleeping bags", "urine bottles" and 24 hours of allocated helicopter time... suddenly, this just got REAL! Do you see anything interesting or unexpected in these lists? HOW COOL IS THIS?
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