After almost a week in Nome, we are headed out on the Healy! All of the research teams met at the Nome Port to get picked up by the small Coast Guard boats that would take us out to the ship. Per Coast Guard regulation, we had to wear what are called mustang suits while traveling in their smaller vessels.
Piper Bartlett-Browne in a mustang suit waiting for the transfer boat to the Healy. Fishing ships docked in the Nome Port. Piper Bartlett-Browne at the Nome Port waiting for the transfer boat to the Healy.As the benthic team, we have a lot of equipment that needs to be loaded onto the ship. Researchers do not pack light! Mud sampling, organism processing, and water assessment equipment needs to be loaded on. Jackie Grebmeier and Lee Cooper loaded the HAPS corer, which will take mud core samples from the bottom of the Chukchi. I am looking forward to getting to do some science soon! Once we board the ship, we will do safety drills and then it is a 34 hour steam until the first sampling site. We should reach our initial destination by Monday August 5th.
Research equipment for the benthic team ready to be loaded onto the Healy. Lee Cooper and Jackie Grebmeier with the HAPS corer at the Nome Port. The USCGC Healy from the transport boat out of the Nome Port.A Question From the Crow's Nest
What is albedo? How does sea ice play a role in albedo?
Answer from previous post: Benthic means bottom. We will studying the organisms on the bottom of the Chukchi Sea above and below the mud.
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