Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 04/10/2007 - 23:10

Questions from the Orange Humus:D.J. wants to know if you have seen Santa Claus?Are you going to eat whale blubber?From Keita: Have scientist seen any Maui whales yet this year? Kalama 7th grade Life Science, 2nd period

Maggie Prevenas

Greetings from the Bering Sea!No whales yet Keita. We just left port yesterday. I am going to go observe today during the early morning. I'll be able to tell you whazzup after noon today.
DJ-No Santa Claus. I was told he hangs out in Maui during off season so YOU better be good! Remeber the best class wins BIG!
Whale blubber. Of course I will try it. It would be an honor to experience someone else's culture. I am told it tastes like chicken
I hope you are all doing your best on your state tests. I know they are not necessarily the most fun things to do, but doing fun things all the time is not what life is all about. Attitude is everything!


Is the ocean very rough?  Peder Andersen, Kalama Intermediate, Grade 7

Maggie Prevenas

Hi Peder!The seas are wonderfully smooth. we do a little rocking, but not so bad. I have some sea sick patches that work great if I need them.
Hope you are doing well on the state tests!
Mrs. P