Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 04/21/2007 - 12:06
Dear Maggie,
Is every day a work day? Who does the laundry?
swimgreenbay [at]

Maggie Prevenas

It is getting warmer and warmer, and the ice is turning into blocks of ice with water inbetween. we are on our way south!Yes everyday is a work day. We take time off to clean our rooms and do our laundry, but otherwise, we 'work.'
But it doesn't feel like work because so much is happening and it's all the first time it's been done. Like yesterday, I was just sitting trying to create some community outreach activities with David Hyrenbach and Robyn Staup. One of the passengers that was to go on the helicopter survey decided not to, so there was an opening in the craft for me to go.
Zim, zamaroo, I was there and dressed and ready to go. Is that work? Hmmmmm. If I HAD to do it everyday, probably, but right now, it is a great adventure.

We saw some bearded seals, some walrus, but the very fact that I got off the boat and sailed through the air at over 70 miles per hour looking for seals, well, it certainly didn't feel like I was working at all!
Hope all is going well with you. Keep those questions coming
Mrs. P