Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 11/20/2008 - 09:59

is it hard to get use to the temp of antartica?


Nick M.



Robin Ellwood

Hello Nick,
I don't think I would say it's "hard", it's something that just sort of happens! When I first got here, I thought it was FREEZING - and it was! But now a day of 10 degrees F feels REALLY WARM!!!! That is unless the wind is blowing - then it still feels cold! I think people just acclimate to the conditions.
There are times, however, when I find the weather quite challenging. On cold, windy days, it is quite difficult to stay comfortable. I have learned many little tricks that help with that - like sleeping with TWO hot water bottles in my sleeping bag!
There's so much to see and do, that the temperature just becomes part of everything!
Thanks for writing!