Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 04/25/2007 - 11:31
Hi Mrs. P.
Do you have a destination or will you just keep moving?  Is the sea endless?  Just wondering
swimgreenbay [at]

Maggie Prevenas

Yes we have a destination. Actually we have several destinations.
The first destination was to go as far as we could north. Now we are traveling south to the Pribilof Islands where we will lose some of the scientists and gain others.
We plan to get together with the students and teachers at the schools there and learn from each other.
Then we plan on doing some more sampling out in the Bering Sea. Then we will head back to Dutch Harbor where our mission will end.
But the boat will continue with another mission going back out into the Bering Sea and planning to take more samples. It is, after all, a Coast Guard ship that specializes in scientific research.
Thanks for your question and I hope you will continue to read along with us!
Mrs. P


 Just Wondering  Mumaa 
 Reading everything you write.

Maggie Prevenas

Hello Mumma! 
As of today, Thursday April 26, we are out of the ice and steaming towards the Pribilof Islands. The sea has gotten very rough and it is rumored that there's a storm brewing. Wish us luck through the night. Tomorrow we teach to the community in St. George.
Sunsets? The sunsets happen very late here, like around 11:00 or so, the sunrises are more common and beautiful, like around 8 am. The colors are very vivid, raspberry, lemon, blueberry and grape. Like nourishment for your eyes :)