Journal Entry

As the time nears for the trip to Antarctica, so does the time to get people excited to follow along!  As our first two trips of this field season make their way around the icy continent of Antarctica, it's time to make sure people are following their journey.

On the evening of October 15, 2007, I will be presenting at a Family Science Night in Kansas City, MO.  We will be showing families what type of clothing is worn in extreme weather climates like those of Greenland and Antarctica, where members of PolarTREC are spending some of their time this year.  We will also be showing them the PolarTREC web site and teaching them how to follow along and post comments or questions online.

On the evening of November 15, 2007, California Trail JHS will be hosting a similar Family Science Night with presenters coming from Wichita, KS, Topeka, KS, Lawrence, KS, and Kansas City, KS and MO.  This will be an unofficial send off to the white continent at the bottom of the world.  Preparations are already underway as this promises to be a well attended event.  If you are in the area, make sure to mark your calendars for November 15!