
Given sets of graphable data students will show that various viewpoints can be supported depending on how data is presented and interpreted. These may or may not be accurate or relevant representations of data results over time. This lesson contains basic graphing components, interpretation of information and communication to others of findings depicted in graphs. Teachers may choose

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Middle School and Up
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We all know that Antarctica is a very cold place, and the scientists who work there are not the only ones who have to worry about staying warm. The animals that live in Antarctica have to protect themselves from the frigid conditions on a year-round basis. In order to keep heat they produce from escaping into the environment

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Elementary and Up
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PolarTREC teacher, Brandon Gillette is with a team of researchers from CReSIS and Penn State University studying the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, Antarctica. About 60 participants took part in the Live from IPY event.

In celebration of the International Polar Day and ice sheet themed Live from IPY event was held with ice sheet researchers from around the world, including some who called in from traverses presently crossing Antarctica. Due to technical difficulties, there is no audio on the Wimba archive. Audio will is separately accessible for the event.