On the evening of October 15, 2007 over 2,000 people walked through the door of Science City @ Union Station in Kansas City, MO. Two organizations had a booth side by side to help increase interest in polar science.
PolarTREC BoothGillette at Science City explaining glacier formation.
This free event takes place 4 times a year and offers families entry into Kansas City's premier science museum. The PolarTREC booth used marshmallows to explain glacier formation and ice cubes to explain sea level rise. The CReSIS booth next door used blue ice cubes and a little pressure to explain ice sheet melting.
CReSIS explains glacial movement.Graduate students from the University of Kansas and CReSIS explain glacial movement.
Graduate students from the University of Kansas and the Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS) were also on hand to help attendees understand how glaciers move.
Web sites for additional information:
http://www.sciencecity.com/ http://cresis.ku.edu/ http://www.kcscienceinc.org/
A similar event is scheduled for the evening of November 15, 2007 at California Trail Junior High in Olathe, Kansas. This free event will be from 6:30pm - 9pm and will have activites for persons of ALL AGES!