Journal Entry

California Trail Junior High hosted the second in a series of local science nights to help promote and generate interest in PolarTREC and science in general. This event was open to family members of all ages free of charge. We had over 250 people in attendance with 28 presenters, and for the first event of this type at our school, I'll have to say, I was very impressed. It simply paved the way for bigger and better events in the future.

I'm not sure about this!?

Student at science night has a snake around her neck a little unsure about what to think.

We had a wide range of activities from live animals, rockets, robots, ice, astronomy observations and polar research. The next day Cheri Hamilton from CReSIS came in and did a workshop with students about the center's research and what our scientific goals are for the trip to Antarctica.

The last week we have spent a lot of time in class talking about the upcoming expedition, looking at maps, and talking about the history of Antarctic exploration. Some of the students might even be as excited about this as I am.

Enough typing. Let the packing process begin! Only question, where to start?!