Life on the ice. Let’s see. The sun NEVER SETS! At first I must admit it is quite disorienting. We were up and around all day yesterday, finding things, learning our way around and finally decided to head in. It was 1am!

Outside in Mactown at 1am. Why is it so bright?
At the station there are all the things you would find in a small town. Bathrooms, coffee house, gym, greenhouse, cafeteria, etc. We have options for 3 full meals a day, and a forth is called Mid Rat, or midnight rations, if you’re awake and hungry. People work all hours of the day here since the sun never drops below the horizon during the summer. This helps to keep temperatures and is the main reason the field season is during this time of year. The only way you would ever be able to tell what time it was is that there are slightly fewer people around so early in the morning. Or you could look at a clock.
The main task for today was to go through all of our cargo that was shipped from the states. This equipment includes all of the electronics and wiring to help set up the in the field when we leave late this week. Our other task was to sort all of the camping supplies provided by the United States Antarctic Program (USAP). All of the pictures you see of buildings and such are only temporary for us. We are scheduled to leave for the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) field camp on Saturday. You will hear all about this part of our expedition later in the week.

Leo, Paul, and Huw sorting through kitchen supplies for the field.
Tomorrow and the next day we will have some guest speakers. Huw, Paul, Leo, Luke, and Knut will all be joining us to introduce themselves and provide a little background on the research we’re conducting down here on the ice. We will also have more information about the areas surrounding McMurdo Station. There are several hikes around the area that are of great historical significance, or places that just offer amazing views of this icy world. You’ll enjoy the pictures.
Make sure you’re checking out the photo gallery. There are numerous pictures that will help to clarify a lot of the questions that have been posted on the discussion section of the web site, including pictures of the food and the bathroom facilities. Again, keep in mind all of these luxuries are temporary. Things are going to be changing very soon.
You asked! Here is a bathroom in Crary Science Lab.