Knut and Brandon decided since Sunday is considered a day off in McMurdo that they would take a leisurely stroll on cross country skis (Brandon's first time) over Arrival Heights to the Castle Rock Loop Trail. They decided to bring us a long, and luckily, we returned to write about it!
The saying is that a picture is worth a thousand words. These pictures might be worth that, but there aren't a thousand words that could describe the beauty of this place once you move off station and truly head into the back country of the Antarctic. We'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking. Be sure to check out the photo gallery for more photos!
Castle Rock Trailhead sign.
The Royal Society Range, a portion of the Transantarctica Mountains!
Gumby and Ms. Baker with Mt. Erebus in the background.
Gumby and Ms. Baker sitting near Castle Rock.