Polar Dates August 7, 2008 – August 25, 2008
Reflections on Toolik Lake
It’s been a busy time since my return to Michigan and a time of many adjustments. The less obvious interior adjustments such…
Polar Date: July 23 & 24, 2008
The past couple of days have been busy, as I have been working on tying up loose ends. The weather broke and we have had more sunshine and warmer temps than…
Polar Date: July 22, 2008
SNOW!!! The rain turned to snow overnight and researchers, grads, undergrads, teachers, staff, in fact, everyone was energized and excited to wake up to a winter…
Polar Date: July 20 & 21, 2008
The weather did not give us a break for long. Sunday and Monday were both gray, rainy, foggy and cold. I spent Sunday working on my lessons and activities that…
Polar Date: July 19, 2008
Blue skies returned! People were overjoyed especially those who had been working indoors for 4 solid days. I was the opposite though, since I had been in the field for…
Polar Date: July 18, 2008
The fog stuck around and it was even colder last night than it was the night before. I slept in 4 layers and was wearing gloves and a hat. I hope it doesn’t get any…
Polar Date: July 17, 2008
The fog rolled in bringing with it cold air, wind and more rain. It would have been a great day for sleeping in, but that was not part of the plan. Today was Live from…
Polar Date: July 16, 2008
The weather, the weather, the weather. It was a gray and dark morning, with the sun blocked by an impenetrable overcast. The Brooks Range was completely blocked from…
Polar Date: July 15, 2008
It’s starting to feel like a scene from Groundhog Day with every morning beginning exactly the same – alarm goes off three times, first one at 7:15, second at 7:30, 3rd at…
Polar Date: July 13, 2008
Sunday morning – a day off! I awoke to blazing sunshine, which was a welcome change from the heavily overcast and rainy weather we had been having for the past week or so…
Polar Date: July 12, 2008
The plan for today was project work all around. With Donie gone, everyone was working feverishly on his or her own projects, myself included. I spent most of the day in…
Polar Date: July 11, 2008
More rain and chilly temperatures grounded a lot of activities, including the helicopter. Because the helicopter did not wake us up at 8:00 a.m. half the camp overslept…