Journal Entry

When I found out I had been selected for PolarTREC, I was very excited and surprised. I participated in an expedition to the Arctic in 2009 with the Armada Project and was bit by the "Polar Bug." I had never imagined the profound effect that a place could have on me. The scale, starkness, and fragility of the landscape were inspiring and changed the trajectory of my teaching. I "stealth bombed" Arctic themes into my Biology curriculum. I connected students with scientists, participated in symposia and discussions, and became the "Polar Expert" for my immigrant students in the Chicagoland area. Since then, I have looked for a way to get back to the area. I am three years from retirement, so I felt that my time was running short to continue to impact my students in this way. Through a colleague from the USCGC Healy, I was able to connect with Jim Thomson from the University of Washington who researchers aboard the R/V Sikuliaq. After a few bumps in the ice, here we are at PolarTREC. I have been preparing for weeks for Orientation. Having been involved in a similar program, I know how valuable the week in Boulder, CO would be in terms of distraction-free, hands-on training and in building a professional cohort. Then came Covid-19. Consequently, field training has to be done through a computer, and my basement in Northbrook, IL has been nicknamed Boulder.

My desk for virtual training in my basement, which has been nicknamed "Boulder" for the week."Boulder" - AKA My Basement The view from my house in NorthbrookDefinitely not Boulder


Erin Towns

I really like your style of writing and could identify with experiences, fragility, and landscapes changing everything about teaching. Truly awesome. The caption on the pic of your neighborhood that is "definitely not Boulder" cracked me up. Looks nice though :)

Jonathan Pazol

Northbrook is nice. Suburb of Chicago. Very flat! My field experiences have transformed my teaching and me personally. Did you do TGC? I think I've seen your name in vairous places.

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