Sampling Sites
It’s a sign of the times that while starting to type CODA (Coastal Ocean Dynamics in the Arctic), my computer keeps suggesting COVID-19. Yet, despite everyone’s current focus on the pandemic, there…
Ice from the Bow
One of the most impactful sensations from a visit to the arctic in 2009 was feeling remote. Exploring the streets of Utqiagvik (Barrow at the time) and realizing that the only way in or out of the…
Waves crashing the bow of the RV Nathaniel Palmer. Photo by Jillian Worssam (PolarTREC 2014), Courtesy of ARCUS
Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Am I aboard the Sikuliaq already? No, it is just life in the time of Covid-19. From the motivational highs of connecting with my PolarTREC cohort to the lows of…
My desk for virtual training in my basement, which has been nicknamed "Boulder" for the week.
When I found out I had been selected for PolarTREC, I was very excited and surprised. I participated in an expedition to the Arctic in 2009 with the Armada Project and was bit by the "Polar Bug." I…