world EEZs
The Exclusive Economic Zones of every country with a coastline extend to a maximum of 200 nautical miles out to sea (…
ross sea map
On October 28th, the 24 member countries that make up the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR - pronounced "CAM-ler") voted to protect an expansive portion of…
flags at chalet
On October 24th, the date of the last sunset, at a ceremony on the viewing deck of McMurdo Station's administrative building, representatives of the National Science Foundation hoisted flags of…
Cape Evans wall
Divers ascend the rockslide terrain at Cape Evans Wall. Having just clawed my way up the ladder into the dive hut after another otherworldly visit beneath the ice, diving supervisor Rob Robbins…
Challenger train
A Challenger pulls an ice drilling rig and two huts in front of Scott's Cape Evans Hut. McMurdo Sound is the section of the Ross Sea between Ross Island - where McMurdo Station is located - and…
daylight hours
Early Monday morning we saw the last sunset of 2016, at 1:26 am, followed shortly by the last sunrise of 2016, at 1:46 am. While in principle I am in favor of endless sunshine, it's also a little…
On Sunday morning we learned of the tragic death of Professor Gordon Hamilton at a remote field camp on the ice shelf 50km south of McMurdo Station. Some details of his life, and the accident that…
sea spider 1
In her 2015 book Spineless: Portraits of Marine Invertebrates, the Backbone of Life, photographer Susan Middleton succeeded in presenting dozens of marine invertebrates the way they're seen in their…
dorm 208
After two weeks at McMurdo Station, I've got the essential lay of the land down but I'm constantly discovering nooks and crannies with interesting things to offer. A couple of these revelations came…
seal under ice
After two weeks in Antarctica, the enormous and rotund Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddellii) is the first warm-blooded animal we've encountered. With the approaching southern hemisphere summer,…
A PistenBully sits on the sea ice with the smoking summit of Mt. Erebus towering in the distance. Team Pycno dives at a number of different predetermined locations offshore of Ross Island, and to…