A muffin, a banana, some coffee… a lesson on the geology of the Rocky Mountains. That's what happens when someone asks a teacher from Colorado a question about the geology of the Rockies during an otherwise ordinary continental breakfast at PolarTREC orientation. That's when I realized that in addition to some truly amazing teachers, at least two PhD's in Geophysics were sitting with us. Yesterday I ate my breakfast while listening to an informal conversation about the difficulties associated with moving ice cores from Antarctica back to a lab while keeping them frozen.
The best part is that I have yet to meet anyone who is not enthusiastic to share what they do with my students! They have also been skilled at explaining technical concepts in ways that are easy to understand. These powerful, informal education experiences are exactly what I hope to relay to my students back home.
High Noon at the Yukon Quest
Picture taken standing on the Chena River in downtown Fairbanks at 12:00 noon. This is as high as the sun got in the sky.Polar Quiz
My PolarTREC colleagues will be traveling to the Arctic and Antarctic. Which polar region is described by each of the following?
1) A continent surrounded by water.
2) Ocean surrounded by continents.
Check tomorrow's journal for the answers.