Journal Entry

After work and dinner, we joined a group for a hike. Hiking is one of the more popular recreational activities here at Toolik, and we are surrounded by some outstanding choices for exploring. We also have plenty of daylight (24 hours of it) to leave for a hike at 7:00 PM. Our destination was the aufeis.

Aufeis River ValleyHiking up the river valley.

Within a relatively short hike upstream the flowing water disappeared under a massive sheet of ice. Aufeis, a German word meaning "ice on top," is a large sheet of ice that forms in winter as the stream freezes solid. Groundwater flows out over the frozen stream and forms a new ice layer on top of the previously frozen layer. This layering process often continues throughout the winter forming aufeis that is several feet thick.

Aufeis FlowWater Flowing under the aufeis AufeisWalking on water! Exploring the aufeis!Exploring the aufeis! Aufeis StreambedWalking up a section of streambed that thawed through the aufeis. FossilA fossil in the canyon wall. Ice CaveCheck out the brilliant blue of this ice cave! Exploring an ice cave.Exploring an ice cave. The bright blue of the ice was truly amazing! Ice LakeThe river eventually opens up into a lake with gorgeous views. Hiking BackWalking back to the van after an incredible hike. SkullSkull found on the tundra. Caribou?

As our group gathered at the top of our hike we spotted two wolves on the ridge above us. Just when I thought my first day couldn't get any better, we were presented with a rainbow to end off our trip.

WolfIt's a blurry picture, but it looks like the wolf saw us too. Sun over aufeis.A day I will not soon forget!