One of the greatest parts of my Arctic experience is getting to meet really interesting people. I'm trying to feature some of these people in short video interviews. Today's Polar Person is Toolik Field Station Naturalist Seth Beaudreault.
Check out Seth's vide of mom, dad, and baby redpolls! Video Courtesy of Seth Beaudrealut.
Baby Redpolls in a nest that Seth pointed out to me.30 Momma Spiders
This morning was really beautiful. The sun came out briefly for the first time in days and I watched an owl dive outside the window at breakfast. Kiki and I went out to the field to gather 30 female wolf spiders with egg sacs. We returned to the lab to weigh them and later we will weigh their egg sacs and examine the egg sacs for parasites.
A pocket full of spiders!We also collected the temperature sensors from each plot that we put out weeks ago. It's time for an update on ground-level air temperature within each mesocosm.
Pulling our high-tech shades off the temperature sensors. An iButton temperature sensor.