It's my day off but the fog and cloud cover has us socked in as it has for nearly a week. I passed on a hike, knowing that the view would be limited, and instead opted for a bike ride. Joe Huebner works as a bicycle mechanic when he isn't working as a Field Operations Assistant at Toolik Field Station. Joe is an avid biker and posted a "mellow" group ride for anyone interested. Tired, and unsure of the weather, a two hour bike ride along the pipeline sounded like an ideal option for a Sunday afternoon. Elissa Schuett, of the University of Vermont, and I joined Joe for a ride of the Kup Loop (pronounced "Coop"). The Kup Loop is is a 14 mile bike ride that follows the Haul Road to an access road and then follows the Trans Alaskan Pipeline down to the Kuparuk River where it rejoins the Haul Road to make the trip back to camp.
Joe set us up with the proper gear and we were on our way. We just finished our first challenging climb when I spotted two marmots. I only carried my small camera because of the threat of rain and was unable to get a clear picture of the marmots with it. Sometimes it's just nice to enjoy the moment rather than trying to capture everything through the lens of a camera. Joe was an excellent motivator, and a guy who really enjoys spending time getting around on one of the most efficient modes of transportation ever invented. A really fun time on an otherwise dreary day!