Journal Entry

Time has certainly zoomed by since getting accepted by PolarTREC in December. The orientation in Fairbanks last week, according to all the attendees, exceeded expectations for professional development. There was, however, a sentiment that people really couldn't decisively know what to expect, but thanks to the PolarTREC staff for providing one of the most rewarding professional development experiences in my near 30 year career.

Meeting the PolarTRECers class of 2013 was also a professional and personal privilege. Teachers came from all over the country and will fan out to the Arctic and Antarctic over the next months as members of research teams. Please follow us all via the website and don't forget to send into the "Ask the TEAM" section.

I want to share a few comments and then a photo or two. The first comment has to do with excessive notetaking…the old fashioned way. We were required during technical training to not have our laptops open which seems kind of ironic. It can actually enhance listening and then people were given time to process and ask questions. I have always been a good note taker, so going back to paper is not a big deal. Enjoy the photo.

Good ol' fashioned notetakingEveryone should be able to take very excellent paper copy notes!

I leave in exactly four weeks to Kahiltna Glacier, which really is quite amazing. I think I'm ready, although I do have some concern over trying to tell the PolarTREC story effectively from the glacier. I have been told not to worry and that I'll need to go with the flow. Part of my plan is to do audio journaling via satellite phone and try to send a few pictures to enhance the audio journal. Apparently, using the SAT phone for internet hook-up can be problematic as it is pretty much a dial-up connection that can last for only a few minutes at a time. This could be interesting…..

The first day back at school, with a slight case of west to east jet lag, I spent a few minutes sharing orientation events with the 6th, 7th and 8th graders here at Nobleboro. They are gearing up just like me and making plans to follow along with the PolarTREC 2013 group.

NCS 6th, 7th & 8th graders view the PolarTREC web site 2013 expeditionsNobleboro students will be following multiple PolarTREC expeditions as field work begins.