I'm writing this a day early because tomorrow will be pretty crazy and shipboard email connections shut down tonight. We're taking a slightly round about way to Nome via the Siberian coast. Kate (…
With a busy day ahead of us today, I wrote this journal last night just before our last station.
Dr. Stanislav Denisenko, Vladimir Skvortsov, Mikhail Zhukov and Aleksey Merkulyev are all from the…
We'll reach the last station that Jackie will do early tomorrow morning, and then we'll really start packing. Today we inventoried and sealed up the buckets with all of the samples from the van Veen…
We've now made it back to the stations we missed due to the weather and, starting yesterday around 3 PM, we did an afternoon station, another at 2:30 this morning, and one more right after breakfast…
With the exception of short stops for geology and benthic grabs for the Russian teams, we've been transiting for two days. While some on board have had a break there are two scientists who are…
It was easy to tell when we got out of the ice during the night. While in the ice, it's often tough to tell if the ship is even moving, and now that we're back in open water, we're rolling once…
When we woke this morning, we were heading north to reach the 1500 meter depth needed to put in a mooring and to do an otter trawl in the deeper water. Unfortunately, the ship can't travel as fast…
Catherine (Kitty) Mecklenburg is a research associate with the Department of Ichthyology, California Academy of Sciences. She was on both previous RUSALCA cruises ('04 and '09) and has returned to…
Last night's station was tough as we found mostly rocks in our grabs, and it took a very long time to sieve the mud and then sort the rocks to see if there was anything on them to preserve. "Empty"…
As we were wrapping up our station last night it began to snow, and as we moved NW toward Wrangel Island during the night, we were once again rocking and rolling; some found sleep difficult. However…
I first went out with Dr. Jackie Grebmeier in 2002 and this makes my 8th time on a research cruise with her. When I first traveled with Jackie she was at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, but…
Soon after leaving Nome, we encountered rough weather. Even when the skies cleared a bit, the wind and waves were often high enough to cancel stations. As we moved out of the Bering Strait and into…