Things are Improving!
Here is a map that shows wind speed and direction and wave height, along with the current location of the Palmer. Within the yellow area on this map, waves are 6-7 meters tall (or reaching a maximum of about 20 feet). We spent quite a bit of time in conditions like this yesterday. From the image you can see that we are now in an area where waves are a little smaller - in the range of 5-6 meters, which is still more than enough to make me feel a bit queasy and for it to be difficult to walk in a straight line. I am proud of myself that I have not spilled anything of significance nor have I fallen all the way down. I hear a lot of Captain Samantha Heyman's Clearwater safety talk echoing around in my head - If you feel like you're going to fall, just sit down. You can't fall if you are already on the ground. Thanks for the pointers, Captain Sam. I may look a little odd sitting in the middle of the hallway, sliding around on the evidently frictionless surface of my pants' bottom, but at least I haven't fallen.
A screenshot of wind speed and wave height shows that the RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer is no longer in the highest wave zone of the Drake Passage.
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